Недавно мы с одногруппниками ездили на Štrbské pleso в Словакии. Наши одногруппники- милые ребята с Украины, которые приехали в Словакию, чтоб получить образование, мы сразу с ними подружились. Они же предложили поехать с ними. Айдар и Хакназар не смогли поехать по некоторым причинам. Мы добирались до Štrba на поезде и смогли приобрести билеты со скидкой 50% для студентов. В Словакии очень развита система скидок для студентов на общественный транспорт и не только.

Last weekend Ryssaldy and I went to Paris, where we arranged the meeting with Aisara. We was very happy to visit this beautiful city of love and enjoy the atmosphere. We managed to see the Eiffel Tower, Triumphal Arch, Tuileries Garden and Louvre. When we were at Eiffel Tower we have met a lot of people from Kazakhstan. It was nice to meet and chat with them. We had amazing time there :) Best regards, Inzhu

“Everything seems to be perfect with us and living here!

We have 5-6 subjects including two English communication, English literature, Theory and Practice of Bi-Multilingualism, Methodology of English, German language, also we attend English classes to make an observations.

Besides, we have to do some individual work in the form of scientific articles and essays. We like studying here ver much!!! It is both interesting and motivating. We also try to take part in cultural life as we may say...

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110000, г. Костанай, ул. Тәуелсіздік, 118

  • Тел./факс: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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