
According to the state program of developing education in the republic of Kazakhstan for 2005 - 2010 years, established by the order of president of RK from 11th of October 2004 № 1459, the work in developing and establishing SMK on the base of international standard ISO 9001: 2000 was started.

During the period from January 2005 till now the Representative of leading the Quality was appointed, the department of management of quality of education was opened, Politics and Aims in the realm of quality were stated and their realizing is provided. According to the demands MS ISO 9001: 2000the identification of common processes was hold, 30 documental procedures were created and established, instructions for all the staff of the institute are developed.

10 auditors from the pedagogical staff are prepared for inside checks on the subject of possible not correspondence with the demands of the Standard ISO 9001: 2000.


On September 11, 2008 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, through its Rector Professor Baymyrzaev K.M. signed the Magna Carta of universities, thus we have declared themselves in the international educational space, our willingness to participate in the Bologna process.
The Magna Carta of Universities initiated the formation of a single European educational space and determined the development of such positive prospects of higher education as university autonomy, democratic governance, academic freedom of students, freedom of scientific research, the inseparability of teaching and research, etc.

The introduction of the QMS has enabled the Institute to improve internal processes and to work under controlled conditions, to set realistic goals for personnel, providing for their achievements creative freedom within a defined responsibility and authority to implement a mandatory analysis of the achievements of the goals for continuous improvement of activities of the institute, organize paperwork, proper accounting use and storage of documents, greatly enhance the responsibility for training.

2014 the institute passed a successful certificational audit. It got a certificate of correspondence with Holland accreditation RWI from Association for certification "Russian Register". Now KSPI is in the reestrs of State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russian Register, MOKA and IQNet. The sign of IQNet tells about work of our certificate in 35 countries of the world, including France, Israel, Japan etc.

The establishment of SMK let the institute improve inner processes, put real goals in front of the personnel, analyze achievements of the goals and systematize documents, increase the level of responsibility for preparing specialists.

SMK - iqnet magna charta

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110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

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