History and modernity

The scientific library of the university is an information, educational, cultural center

The history of the library begins in 1939 with the opening of the Kostanay Teachers' Institute. The library grew and developed together with the university. Since February 1, 2014, the scientific library has been reorganized into an information and library center, which has a fund numbering about 500,000 copies of publications. The library fund is universal in nature, diverse in content, purpose and readership, including educational and methodological, scientific literature, books, continuing, periodicals, multimedia materials. The decoration of the fund is a collection of books donated to the library in 1964 by the Library of Moscow State University's M. Lomonosov and has more than 1000 copies books. The chronological framework of the literature publications covers 1883-1934. Special value is given to the library fund by intra-university publications: monographs, educational materials, teaching aids of the faculty, materials of scientific and practical conferences. Electronic full-text archive of scientific and educational documents, produced by the faculty of the university - is the basis of the Repository of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University.

  • The Information and Library Center(next - ILC) is the leading structural subdivision of the university, providing educational and scientific process with literature and information.
  • Priority direction in the activity of the information and library center is the formation of the fund of electronic resources.
  • ILC introduces new information technologies into its activities; has a computer copying and duplicating equipment, an automated library information system; connected to the global computer network Internet.
  • The ILC carries out systematic work to develop the information culture of users.
  • The ILC introduces students to studying, preserving and propagating the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.
  • With the ILC, the reading and information cognitive club "Horizon" and the poetry lounge "Inspiration" have been created and are functioning successfully.
  • The ILC employs specialists who provide professional, consultative assistance, and will teach them how to work with information resources.
  • ILC is the regional methodological center for libraries of secondary professional and higher educational institutions of the city and region.

The Republic of Kazakhstan, 110000, Kostanay city Pushkina, 136,
Kostanay State Pedagogical University,
Information Library Center
Phone: 8 (7142) -54-59-13 (Director Bezaubekova Saniya),

Contact us

110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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