"Serpіn – 2050"
Since 2014 in Kazakhstan runs the state program "Serpіn – 2050" "Mangilik ate zhastary - industriyaga."
In 2014, Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute was approved as an institution that participates in the implementation of this program.
The purpose of the program - to train and employ young people from the southern region of the country with excess labor force in the north, west and east of Kazakhstan, in regions experiencing shortages of personnel. Applicants received a grant under the program "Serpіn" will be provided by the hostel.
Terms of admission
A prerequisite is considered that the participant of the project "Serpіn-2050" in order to become the owner of the state educational grant, during the UNT or CT should specify one of the 69 specialties of 18 educational institutions.
Contacts: г. Kostanay, Taran st., 118, 8 (7142) 54-28-49-Admissions