Electronic libraries

Kazakhstan scientific libraries

  1. National academic library - http://www.nabrk.kz
  2. National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NLRK) - http://www.nlrk.kz/
  3. RK MES central scientific library - http://www.library.kz/
  4. Kostanaysky regional library for children and youth of Ibraya Altynsarin - http://biblio.al.ru/
  5. The Republican Scientific and Technical Library - http://www.rntb.kz/
  6. The Kazakhstan national electronic library - http://www.kazneb.kz
  7. Kostanaysky regional Universal scientific library of L. N. Tolstoy - http://www.kstounb.kz
  8. Karaganda state University of name E.A. Buketova - http://www.ksu.kz
  9. The Pavlodar state university of S. Toraygyrov - http://www.psu.kz
  10. The Southern Kazakhstan State University of M. Auyezov - http://www.kazrena.kz
  11. The East Kazakhstan state university of S. Amanzholov - http://www.vkgu.kz
  12. The Kazakh state research institute scientifically - technical information - http://www.inti.kz/

Russian scientific electronic libraries

  1. eLIBRARY.RU, Scientific electronic library, the project of the Russian Fund of Basic Researches - http://www.elibrary.ru/
  2. Electronic library of Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences - http://www.philosophy.ru/library/library.html
  3. "Science and equipment", electronic library - http://www.n-t.org/
  4. Library on natural sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences - http://www.benran.ru/
  5. Russian Scientific Network - http://nature.web.ru/
  6. Institute of scientific information on social sciences - inion.ru
  7. Mass Media Review Рolpred.com

    Repository of important publications manually collected. Database with subject heading list: 53 branches / 600 sources / 9 federal disrtricts of RF / 235 countries and jurisdictions / main materials / articles and interviews of 6000 chief executives. A thousand pieces of news daily, full text in Russian, millions of the best stories of news agencies and business press for 15 years. Customizable search. One-click convertion of hundreds of articles into MS Word. Internet services by branches and countries.

  8. The Russian State Library (RSL) -http://www.rsl.ru/
  9. The National Library of Russia (NLR) -http://www.nlr.ru/
  10. Всероссийская Государственная библиотека иностранной литературы им. М.И.Рудомино (ВГБИЛ) -http://www.libfl.ru/
  11. The All-Russian State library of foreign literature of M. I. Rudomino - http://www.gpntb.ru/
  12. State public historical library of Russia - http://www.shpl.ru/
  13. The Russian state library on art - http://www.artlib.ru/
  14. International center of scientific and technical information- http://www.icsti.su/
  15. In Folio, university electronic library- http://infolio.asf.ru/ 
  16. Electronic library in chemistry, Chemical faculty of the Moscow State University (MSU) - http://www.chem.msu.su/rus/elibrary/
  17. Electronic library of mekhaniko-mathematical faculty of Moscow State University - http://lib.mexmat.ru/
  18. The Central Library of Educational Resources (CLER)- http://edulib.ru/ 
  19. Virtual library, the special project of State Public Scientific Technical Library of Russia - http://www.vlibrary.ru/ 
  20. The Nizhny Novgorod state regional universal scientific library, full text resources of the largest encyclopedic Runet project - http://www.rubricon.com 
  21. The Perm electronic library - http://lib.prm.ru/ 
  22. EUNnet, virtual library - http://virlib.eunnet.net/ 
  23. Maxim Moshkov's library- http://www.lib.ru/ 
  24. Библиотека русских электронных библиотек. Общие библиотеки - http://www.orc.ru/~patrikey/liblib/liblist.htm 
  25. Library of the Russian electronic libraries. - http://virtualbibl.narod.ru/links.html 
  26. ALLBest.ru, electronic libraries - http://allbest.ru/fiz.htm 
  27. Virtual computer library - http://www.utexas.edu/computer/vcl/ 
  28. Google print, the project of the Google portal on digitization of the largest English-speaking libraries of the world - http://print.google.com/googleprint/about.html 
  29. Gallica, the project of the largest libraries of France, Great Britain, Germany and Spain on digitization and the publication on the Internet of the European literature - http://gallica.bnf.fr 
  30. Electronic full text library of Ikhtik. Library of philosophical literature - http://ihtik.lib.ru/ 
  31. Library of electronic texts of articles, reference materials, the collection of works on science and equipment - http://www.laboratory.ru/ 
  32. Electronic library of technical documentation - http://www.emanual.ru/ 
  33. Electronic library of the server Kirill and Mefodiy - http://lib.km.ru/ 
  34. Public Internet library - http://www.public.ru/ 
  35. The Russian virtual library - http://www.rvb.ru/ 
  36. The Russian state library - http://www.rsl.ru/ 
  37. Administrative and managerial Portal. Free electronic library concerning economy, finance, management and marketing at the enterprise - http://www.aup.ru/ 
  38. Bibliotechka Libertariuma. Russian-speaking collection of books and articles of a libertarian orientation - http://www.libertarium.ru/libertarium/library 
  39. Financial electronic library - http://mirkin.eufn.ru/ 
  40. The encyclopedia "Physics on the Internet" - http://www.nsu.ru/materials/ssl/text/encyclopedia/ 
  41. The Russian Biographic Dictionary - http://www.rulex.ru/be.htm 
Foreign scientific electronic libraries
  1. Scientific publications of universities of Stockholm, Soderm, Uppsala, Umea and Orenboro- http://publications.uu.se/index.xsql?lang=en 
  2. Electronic library of university of Virginia, the USA - http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/ 
  3. The European forum of open archives, information resource - http://www.oaforum.org/oaf_db/list_db/list_repositories.php 
  4. Free Full-Text Science Archives - http://highwire.stanford.edu/lists/largest.dtl 
  5. Library of the Canadian theses in English, French languages - http://www.collectionscanada.ca/thesescanada/
  6. Full text American patent base - http://www.uspto.gov/patft/ 
  7. Library of congress of the USA- http://www.loc.gov/homepage/lchp.html
  8. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) - http://www.doaj.org/ 

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