The Faculty of Physical Culture and Sport
Deputy Dean

Shkvarenko Nikita
Master of tourism
As a part of faculty:
- Department of the Theory and Practice of Physical Culture and Sport
- Training Center for Physical Education

Faculty was established in 1967, the first graduation took place in 1971. Over the years, the faculty has trained and graduated about 3,000 specialists in physical education. Since 2005, the faculty has been training in the specialty "Tourism".
Graduates of the faculty successfully work in Kazakhstan and abroad in various parts of the physical education and sports system, such as physical culture and sports management bodies at various levels, universities, colleges, comprehensive schools, youth and specialized sports schools, and sports clubs.
Faculty deservedly proud of camping such as the first graduates of the Honored Master of Sports of Kazakhstan in Greco-Roman wrestling, a participant of the Olympic Games in Sydney and Atlanta, the champion of the Asian Games in Hiroshima, two-time world champion among students, the six-time champion of Asia Sergei Matvienko, European champion in badminton Kustavletova S., two-time world champion in badminton among students Dmitriev I., Asian champions, participants in the Olympic Games in Nogano Fighters V. and Selezneva O., participant in the Olympic Games in Atlanta gymnast Rybalko D., participant in three Olympus : Atlanta, Sydney and Athens - athlete Bortsov V., two-time Asian champion, winner of the World Powerlifting Championship Kuvambaev Z.
Many graduates have achieved significant success in teaching. The high title “Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was awarded to Solyankin G.S., Lavrinenko V.I. (boxing), Matvienko V.P. (Greco-Roman wrestling), Dosmagambetov M.K., (Greco-Roman wrestling), Musafarov M.K. (badminton), Tazhmakinu M.K. , (boxing), Popkova S.A., (gymnastics), Tarasov at K.V. ( taekwondo (JRT)), Shilov I.A. (powerlifting).
A noticeable trace was left by the graduates of the faculty in scientific and pedagogical activity. Thesis for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences Makarenko V.G., Lukonina O.V., Panov V.A., Shkreba V.A., Usmangaliev M.K., Ogienko N.A., Ibraeva R., Mamiev N.B.
The faculty is preparing for the following educational programs:
- 6В01401 "Physical Culture and Sports"
- 6В11101 "Tourism"
Our achievements
Academic Mobility
In this academic year, academic mobility has reached a higher level, in connection with the conclusion of international treaties with the MSTU. G.I. Nosova, our students had the opportunity to study at the Faculty of Physical Culture at MSTU (Magnitogorsk) for 1 semester. In addition, starting from the last academic year, students of the specialty "Tourism" and "Physical Culture and Sports" undergo internships in luxury hotels of Turetskaya Republic (Antalya) within six months, getting the opportunity to improve their qualifications in the specialty (Tourism) and the formation of language competence skills. Students of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" reinforce their skills by working as animators, rescuers. Thus, for the period 2017-2019, 37 students were sent for an internship in Turkey.
Courses were organized for students with the invitation of foreign scientists. For the 3rd year students of the educational program "Physical Culture and Sports" were lectures on the subject "Sports Physiology" the head of the Department of Physical Culture Bauman (Magnitogorsk) , Candidate th Biological Sciences Tsapov th Evgeni eat Gennadyevich.
For students of 1-3 courses of the educational program "Tourism" were held training sessions on the subject "Tourism marketing" Professor Bourgas Free University, Professor om marketing in the tourist industry Lin th Anastasov oh.
Scientific work
To date, the Faculty of Physical Culture of Sports and Tourism has concluded agreements between:
- Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism" (GTSOLIFK) "FGBU VPO RGUFKSMiT", of Moscow .
- South Ural State University
- “ Caspian Center” for international internships in Turkey.
- Conclusion of an agreement with the travel agency "Nadezhda Tour" on students completing internships in "Tourism" internships in Turkey (Coral travel, odeon tours).
- Reservation and cooperation agreement with FSBI HE Magnitogorsk Technical University named after G.I. Nosova "from 04/03/2018.
- Agreement with the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture Chirchik (Uzbekistan) dated November 20, 2018
Sports achivments
The achievements of the faculty in sports are undoubtedly significant, so over the past three years the following awards have been won: 85 in regional competitions; 78 in republican competitions, 26 in international competitions at various levels. Indicative is the 2nd place at the 2018 Winter Universiade.
In 2018, students of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" took part in the International Universiade in Krasnoyarsk (Russia). Among them: Shamukhanov Erkebulan, Zhaksybaev Mersait, Rebik Evgeny, Amirgalieva Aliya, Bakhytkereeva Kadisha, Luft Maria, Shalygina Ksenia, Bashmakov Nail. Four of our students brought bronze medals from the International Universiade. On the relay in the men's team Shamukhanov Yerkebulan, Zhaksybaev Mersait and in the relay race of the women's team Amirgalieva Aliya and Bakhytkereeva Kadisha.