Round table with the representative of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

11.02.15On February 11, 2015 at conference-hall of Kostanay state pedagogical institute was carried out a round table inviting the representative of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region. At the meeting, a presentation was made by a chairman of the Student Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of KSPI, 3rd year student of the Faculty of History and Arts Kadralinov A. He presented a plan for the organization, outlined future prospects. At the meeting with a presentation by the Deputy Vice Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region Dandybai B.A., as well as chairman of the Tajik-Uzbek ethnic and cultural center "Shark" Holmetov E.E.
At the meeting, the students asked questions on themes of inter-ethnic harmony, the interaction of different cultures of the peoples living in Kazakhstan.

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