“The activities of destructive religious movements as a threat to the national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

17.02.15February 13 and 17, 2015 members of the IPG (informative and propaganda group) of KSPI “Center for Religious Studies” Shaimerden G.I. and Abilmalikov K.K. performed to the staff of DI and the Regional Court a lecture on “The activities of destructive religious movements as a threat to the national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Shaimerden G. highlighted the main trends in the sphere of religious security; Abilmalikov K. devoted his speech to the methods of engagement and retention in religious destructive cults.

17.02.15The purpose of this event is to prevent religious extremism through legal literacy and promotion of ideas of tolerance and interfaith harmony.
In his speech, Mr. Shaimerden noted that a new paradigm in the fight against extremism may be the policy of substitution of social values that encourage extremism and other world outlook, excluding any manifestation of extremism in society. At the present time, in the fight against extremism emphasis on restraining measures, as well as tightening the legal responsibility for extremism. Today, violent methods do not bring the desired result. Without questioning the need for security measures, we believe that in order to achieve the best results at this stage of development of Kazakhstan's society there is a need to change the paradigm in the fight against all forms of extremism.

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