Problems of modern ungraded primary school

30.03.15One of the urgent problems of modernization of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the problem of ungraded schools. An important area of improving the work of ungraded primary school today was the increase of the theoretical and methodological level teachers. Discussion of this issue and seek practical ways to solve it was dedicated to the regional scientific and practical seminar "methodological competence of the teacher as a condition for improving the quality of education in the ungraded primary school", which was held on March 31, 2015 in the village Zatobolsk. The seminar was organized by the Department of pre-school, primary and special education of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute in cooperation with SE "The department of education of akimat of Kostanay region" and regional scientific and practical center "Kostanay Daryn" of Education Department of Kostanay region in the framework of a long-term tripartite agreement on cooperation.

The seminar was attended by the heads of methodological associations of ungraded schools of the region, teachers-psychologists, directors, deputy directors of schools for academic and educational work, teachers of ungraded primary and secondary schools.
At the seminar the following presentations were made: candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor of the chair of preschool, primary and special education of KSPI Oleinikova T. "Competence approach in education", senior methodologist of department of development of ungraded schools the Department of Education of akimat of Kostanay region Erzhanov S. "Features of the methodological work of ungraded primary school," teacher of the chair of pre-school, primary and special education of KSPI Salamatova A. "Psychological characteristics of children with learning disabilities."
30.03.15Vocational and creative achievements of their own experience of training and education of ungraded primary school were presented in the performances: primary school teacher of the Alexander school Aytzhanova G. (Video tutorial on the knowledge of the world in the 2nd class), a primary school teacher of Maykolskoy school Baltabaeva S., (Panoramic lesson of the Russian language in the combined class), a primary school teacher of Maykolskoy school Zhunusova K. (Panoramic lesson in mathematics).
The seminar was attended by senior teacher, assistant professor of preschool, primary and special education chair of KSPI Shevchenko G., Senior Lecturer Mukalieva B., senior lecturer Borshevskaya I., Methodist of Regional scientific and practical center "Kostanay Daryn" Rassokhina V.The participants of the scientific and methodological seminar exchanged views on the problems of ungraded schools of the region, told colleagues about the achievements of the teaching staff of the schools and the problems to be solved today by ungraded primary school in the conditions of modernization of Kazakhstani secondary education. According to the results of the workshop were developed guidelines.
Oleinikova T.

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