Certificate award ceremony to students participating the seminar-training "Ideas Changing the World"

seminar-25.11.15On November 25, the Library of the First President of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation had held certificate award ceremony to students of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute - participants of the seminar-training "Ideas Changing the World".
Members of the educational project of Library of the Leader of the Nation participatedin a course "Nation Plan - 100 concrete steps to implement the five institutional reforms of President Nursultan Nazarbayev."
Deputy Director of the Library of the Leader of the Nation ZhapsarbayevKuanyshev congratulated the students on successful passage of seminar-training and wished them success in their studies and future employment. Also the certificate awarding ceremony was attended by the doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor of the Eurasian National University named after L.N.GumilyovGaliyabanuKertaeva. Participants shared their experiences of participation in seminar-training.

Виктор Бутенко КГПИViktor Butenko–the 2nd year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages:
- "I was the first time in this city, I liked it very much, very impressed. I would like to express our common opinion that we really liked the seminar-training; we learned a lot for ourselves. I hope that in the future our independent Kazakhstan will increasingly flourish, and we, as youth, are required to develop our country and maintain the Independence. We were very happy to come here and got certificates. We promise that we will do everything in our power for the prosperity of our Kazakhstan. "
Seminar-trainings "Ideas Changing the World," are focused on the study of conceptual ideas and global initiatives of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation N.A. Nazarbayev, the Plan of the Nation "100 concrete steps" for realization of the five institutional reformsof the Head of State. Lectures were carried out by well-known domestic scientists, doctors and professors.
On arrival at the Institute seminar participants shared their impressions of the training the students, talked about the main directions of work for realization of the five institutional reforms "Nation Plan - 100 concrete steps."

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