“The Job Fair Vacancies”

vacanction-2015 On December, 4, 2015, "The Job Fair Vacancies" was taken place at Kostanay state pedagogical institute. The main purpose of "Job Fair Vacancies" was - the definition of places of practice and pre-employment of graduates of 2016. In spite of the weather conditions in the "Job Fair Vacancies" was attended by representatives of the department of education of akimat of Kostanay, the Department of Control of Education of Kostanay region, five regional departments of education and school principals of the region.
As part of the "Job Fair" the roundtable was held on the topic "Ways of solving the training and employment of graduates of pedagogical specialties." At the round table following questions were reviewed and discussed:
• Formation of modular educational programs; with the involvement of employers;
• Organization of work to improve the quality of education in small schools;
• Ways of cooperation of Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute with ungraded schools;
• The requirements and procedures for the employment of graduates studying on the base of educational grants.

During the round table the answers were given to previously submitted questions from the district education departments, school principals of the region. The round table had adopted a resolution.
The second part of "Job Fair Vacancies" had consisted of meetings of students with potential employers. So the fourth year students had met with representatives of Karasu, Kostanay, Fedorovsky, Auliekol and Amangeldy districts and Kostanai city too. In addition, previously district education departments provided the information about available vacancies in the 2015-2016 year. With this information, students were acquainted through the dean's office.
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Resolution of the round table on the theme "Ways of solving the training and employment of graduates of pedagogical specialties"
One of the priorities of the State program of education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2020 is to improve the quality of training professionally competent personality, competitive specialist who is able to realize personal and public importance of professional activities, be responsible for its results.
Employment of graduates –is an urgent problem that requires joint efforts of the university, employers, state, family and graduates themselves. Each year, entrants come to KSPI to get an education by the specialty. Hence, the state after 4 years can expect highly qualified professionals to solve problemsof the challenge of teaching staff.
Therefore, one of the main issues in the training of graduates are issues of interaction between employers and the university and facilitationof graduatesemployment.
And this issue is dedicated to today's round table, which participated by lecturers, scientific and teaching staff, heads of departments of the Institute and heads of educational institutions.
The purpose of the round table is: the coordination of the activities of a teacher training university and the Department of Education of Kostanay region and educational organizations in matters of employment of graduates.
The roundtable has following issues:
1. Approaches to the formation of modular educational programs
2. The role and tasks of school support (resource center) to improve the quality of education students in small schools
3. Functioning of ungraded rural schools in modern conditions
4. Requirementsfor the procedure of employment of graduatesstudyingon the base of educational grants.

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