Ruchkina Galiya Adamovna

  • + Department of natural Sciences
  • Position:  associate professor
  • + Academic degree: candidate of biological Sciences


  • 1980-1985 Kostanay agricultural Institute, qualification " Zooengineer"
  • 2000-2003 postgraduate Study at the Ural state veterinary Academy, Russian Federation). Based on the research materials she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty 03.00.13 - "physiology".
  • Academic degree-candidate of biological Sciences (Defense of RF 2003, Diploma of RF 2003, diploma of RK 2008). Passed the procedure of recertification of the degree of candidate of biological Sciences in the Committee on supervision and certification in the field of education and science of MES RK
  • Academic title associate Professor, associate Professor (Associate professor of Biology – 2011)


  • 1985-2001 teacher, senior lecturer, Deputy Dean of the Zooengineering faculty of KSHI-KSU
  • 2001-2003 senior lecturer, Deputy Dean of the faculty of Agrotechnology
  • 2003-2016 associate Professor, head.Department of "Standardization and certification of food products".
  • 2017-2018 associate Professor, head.the Department of Natural Sciences and mathematics faculty of the University
  • 2018-2019 associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences of KSPU. U. Sultangazina
  • 2019-present Professor of Kostanay state pedagogical University. U. Sultangazina
  • Rewards and rewards
  • Diploma of akim of the region in honor of the day of agriculture, 2015.

 Scientific and pedagogical activity:

  • Included in the encyclopedia "Scientists of Kazakhstan", has more than 60 scientific works (including monograph (2013), and 4 textbooks, accredited by the Ministry of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a subject of scientific activity (Astana, 2015).
  • Taught disciplines - "human Anatomy", "Age physiology and school hygiene", "human Ecology", " Physiological basis of physical culture and sports»
  • Under the leadership of G. A. Ruchkina, more than 140 theses were prepared and successfully defended.
  • During the work at the Department developed author's programs for courses: "food Safety", "Valeology", "human Ecology", "human and animal Physiology", "Chronobiology", " Age physiology and school hygiene».

The main direction of scientific research is Food and environmental safety.

Membership in professional societies:

  • Corresponding member of the International Academy of agrarian education (Moscow, 2013.)
  • Member of TC-44 Technologist ( 2007-2018)
  • Member of the TC (technical Committee) for standardization "agro-industrial complex-Agribusiness", created on the basis of the Kazakh agrotechnical University. S. Seifullina. Order No. 147 of 02.04.2019.

Educational benefits:

  1. Ruchkina G. A. Problems of intensive use of highly productive sows in connection with their physiological state: Textbook for University students/Ruchkina, G. A.-Kostanay: KIPU, 2007.- 79 PP. ISBN 9965-851-18-2
  2. Ruchkina, G. A., Vakhitova, R. Z. camel Breeding: a textbook for students. universities / Ruchkina, G. A., Vakhitova R. Z.-Kostanay: KOSTANAY printing yard LLP, 2008. - 144 p.: Il. ISBN 9965-851-13-1
  3. Ruchkina, G. A. Technology of production, storage and processing of animal products: a textbook for students. universities / Ruchkina, G. A.-Kostanay: Kineu, 2008. - 102 PP. ISBN 9965-851-16-2
  4. Ruchkina G. A. Ways of using reproductive qualities of highly productive sows: A textbook for University students/Ruchkina, G. A.-Kostanay: KIPU, 2009.- 80 p. ISBN 9965-00-355-6
  5. Ruchkina G. A. food Safety: A textbook for students. universities / Ruchkina, G. A.-Kostanay: Kineu,2013.- 204 PP. ISBN 978-9965-851-49-0
  6.  O. N. Babenko, G. A. Ruchkina. Collection of tests on the discipline "Fundamentals of safety and life". Textbook-Kostanay, 2017. - 192 p.
  7. ISBN 978-601-80635-5-8
  8. Ruchkina G. A. Collection of test tasks on the discipline "Age physiology and school hygiene": textbook / G. A. Ruchkina. - Kostanay: KSPI, 2018. - 99cisbn 978-601-7934-69-9


  1. Ruchkina, G. A. Problems of intensive use of highly productive sows in connection with their physiological state: Monograph / Ruchkina, G. A.-Kostanay: Kineu, 2013. - 102 p. ISBN 9965-13-683-1

 Scientific publication:

  1. Ruchkina G. A. Rating system of evaluation in the University.. Collection of articles: Industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan: Problems and prospects. 2005-Pp. 21-22
  2. Ruchkina G. A. International standard in education Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Promising directions of scientific research of young scientists of the Urals and Siberia": Collection of scientific papers (17-19 November 2006) Troitsk: FGOU vpoim, 2006.- Pp. 34-36
  3. Ruchkina G. A. Modeling of the environment of education of personal materials of the V International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of education". - Chelyabinsk: iiumc "Education", 2007. - Pp. 326-329.
  4. Ruchkina G. A. Introduction of safety system of agricultural products in production in accordance with the requirements of international standards based on the principles of HACCP system. Materials of the International scientific-practical conference "High technologies and innovations in education, science and production", 17,18 April 2008: - Kostanay, 2008. - Pp. 454-456.
  5. Ruchkina G. A., Gaidai I. I. system of hazard analysis in ensuring the quality and safety of food products. Collection of scientific papers on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference: Research and their practical application. Current state and ways of development 2008. 1-15 October 2008 Vol. 3 Technical Sciences. 75-76-Odessa; NIPKMFU, 2008. ISBN 966-555-152-3
  6. Muratov A. A., Naimanov D. K., Ruchkina G. A., Guo tin-Shin A. N. Development of technological and veterinary-sanitary requirements for the organization and functioning of quarantine-export and feedlots with a one-time supply of cattle from 1 to 5 thousand heads and small cattle-from 5 to 10 thousand heads. About state purchases of services in standard and methodical maintenance of development of branches of agroindustrial complex according to the budget program 046 "Standard and methodical maintenance of development of branches of agroindustrial complex" in the field of animal husbandry. Ministry of agriculture of RK 2008
  7. Ruchkina G. A. the Importance of standards in food safety. PAVM Troitsk Collection of scientific works on materials of the international scientific-practical conference: Scientific research and their practical application. Current state and ways of development 2014 . 1-15 October 2014 Vol. 3 Technical Sciences. 46-47
  8. Ruchkina G. A. Directive and active training in the context of pedagogical technologies. Materials Of the international scientific and methodological conference "INNOVA-2017". January 15, 2017 KSU.A. Baitursynova. 252-255. ISBN 978-601-7387-62-4.
  9. Ruchkin G. A. About the teaching of biological disciplines at the University.Collection of materials of the II International scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Methodology, theory and practice of modern biology". Kostanay-March 10, 2017 Pp. 313-317. UDC 543.2. ISSN 978-601-301-645-0
  10. Ruchkina G. A. the Role of biological education in the Humanities and engineering faculties of the University. Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Ualikhanov readings-21" Kokshetau state University. Ualikhanov, Kokshetau, April 18, 2017 vol. 4 Pp. 111-114. ISBN 978-601-261-336-0
  11. K. Zhanabayeva , N. O. Ongarbayeva , G. A. Ruchkina , G. K. Yesseyeva and V. L. Smolyakova. Features of Technological Properties of Triticale Grain of Kazakhstan's Selection. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences .Year: 2018 | Volume: 13 | Issue: 10 SI | Page No.: 8292-8299 DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2018.8292.8299  

Improvement of qualification:

  • FGBOU VPO "Ural State Academy of veterinary medicine" . Direction "Methodology of structural and functional analysis of SRSES", Russian Federation, Troitsk, 2013
  • * Refresher courses "Methodological aspects of the implementation of credit technology: resource provision of distance learning" . Kostanay 2013
  • Refresher courses "Technically of rettew (standarta) salamanda maandagen, blacklg Arturo" No. 136-2013. Astana, 2013
  • * Methodical seminar "formation of educational programs taking into account Dublin descriptors" Kokshetau, 2013
  • Within the framework of cooperation with the international master's course in Agricultural management (MBA) of the University of weienstephan-Triesdorf participated in the seminar from November 10 to November 14, 2014
  • * LLP "non-Governmental quality assessment center". Course "Innovative technologies in education", Astana, 2015
  • * Kazakhstan Institute of standardization and certification. "ISO 14001-2015 "" Certificate No. 904, Kostanay 2016
  • * Kazakh national University. Al-Farabi. Institute of advanced training. Innovative course " Management of higher school. Certificate No. 526, Almaty, 2016
  • * Certificate of participation of the international forum "Current problems and prospects of strategic cooperation in the field of higher education renewal program" dated September 21, 2018.
  • * From 1 to 12 October 2018, courses on the educational program of professional development of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions engaged in the training of teachers, within the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed By the center of pedagogical excellence AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools", in the amount of 80 academic hours. Certificate BJ № 095678 from 12.10.2018 g.
  • * In April 2019, she took part in the international refresher courses "successfully completed refresher courses on the topic:" Technology of Imperial Research for Writing a Research Paper". (KSPU-Bulgaria).
  • * Certificate of participant of scientific and methodological seminar " biodiversity conservation Issues (Ramsar Convention, rare species). Results of preparation and implementation of competitive research on grant funding of the Committee of science of MES RK".
  • In may 2019, the international course of excellence "Current trends in the assessment of global and local changes in natural ecosystems and teaching disciplines of the biological and geographic cycle". (KSPU-Germany, Hanover). The received certificate is 72 hours

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110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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