Abil Yerkin Amanzhouly

- + Department of History of Kazakhstan
- + Position: The Rector of KSPI, professor
- + Academic degree: doctor of historical sciences
In 1992 he graduated from Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov specialty: history, qualification pedagogue of history and socio-political Sciences.
Academic degree:
- In 1996 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences.
- In 2009 he defended his thesis for the degree of doctor of historical sciences.
Academic rank: Professor (2011)
- From 1992 to 2009. worked in schools of Ministry of Internal Affairs and at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- From 2009 to 2016. He worked as vice-rector for scientific work and international relations KGPU.
- Since November 2016 and to the presentt: the rector of Kostanay State Pedagogical University
Awards and incentives
- Diploma of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan (2004);
- Breastplate "Excellent MIS judicial authorities of Kazakhstan" (2009);
- Diploma of the Trade Union of Education and Science (2013);
- Diploma of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (2013);
- "The best teacher of high school» MES RK (2014);
- Diploma of MES RK (2015);
- Breastplate "For merits in development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2015);
- Jubilee Medal "25 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2016)
Research and teaching activities
In 1992 he graduated with honors from the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov. In 1996, at the dissertation council at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hr defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. In 2009, in a joint dissertation council at the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences. In 1992 - 2009 years. He worked in schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Author of over 200 scientific works, including 26 textbooks and manuals, 5 papers in journals included in the database ISI, Scopus, 20 monographs on the problems of regional and general history of Kazakhstan, methodology and theory of history. He has worked for more than 25 years in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, since 2009 working in Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. At the age of 26, he defended his thesis, and in 39 years of his doctoral thesis.
Since 2017 deputy of the regional Maslikhat, is a member of the Public Council on Education of the regional branch of Nur Otan party, a member of the Scientific Expert Group Regional Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan, a member of the trade union of workers of education and science of the Kostanay region, a member of the working group on the organization of the International Olympiad on bases Science (2014), member of the expert group of the Office for Religious Affairs of Kostanay region, expert of the Center for support and development of youth of Kostanay region, a member of the working group CampusFrance Kazakhstan in the Northern region of Kazakhstan.
Abil actively working with the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and non-governmental organizations in the field of youth education in the spirit of inter-ethnic and inter-religious tolerance.
Project activities
- 2009 - 2013 Scientific language development project management of Kostanay region "Historical toponyms of Kostanay region";
- 2013 Republican project "Improving Information Literacy of the population on the activities of modern religious movements";
- 2015 – 2017 Research project for grant financing "Development of the structure and content of training theory and methodology of history in high school";
- 2017 - 2019 "study and reconstruction of the socio - economic context and outlook and on Botai settlement ";
- 2018 - 2020 years. "The cultural heritage of the Tobol - Turgai region: history and sacred geography";
- 2018 - 2020 Preparation and publication of educational - metodicheskogogo complex for students of psycho - pedagogical faculties of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan "Methods peropodovaniya psychology."
Affiliated organizations
- Chief editor of the Bulletin KSPU
Membership in scientific societies
- A member of the public association "National Congress of Historians of Kazakhstan"
- Member of the expert group of the Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education
- Member of the expert group of the Office for Religious Affairs of Kostanay region
- A member of the Public Council on Education of the regional branch of Nur Otan party
- Member of the Scientific Expert Group Regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan
- Member of the Board of the trade union of workers of education and science of Kostanay region
- Member of the working group on the organization of the International Olympiad in basic sciences
- Expert of the Center for Support and Development of Kostanay region youth
- Member of the Working Group Campus France Kazakhstan on the northern region of Kazakhstan.
The main scientific publications
Author of over 200 scientific papers, including 20 monographs, 26 textbooks and manuals, 5 articles in rating journals included in international databases.
List of significant works:
- Ethnogenesis Kazakhs. The experience of the systems approach. Kostanay ,: Publ KSKHI 1997
- Political processes in the Central and South-Eastern Kazakhstan in the 50-ies XVIII-XIX centuries of the first quarter. Han Abylai // The history of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present day. In five volumes. V.3. Almaty: "Atamura", 2000
- Тарихшы жане онын заманы (the historian and his era). Edition CTIF "Eureka." Petropavlovsk 2001
- The political organization of the nomads of Kazakhstan. Astana, "Folio", 2001
- Kostanay region. Encyclopedia. Almaty: Publishing house "Aris", 2006
- Historical place names Kostanai region. In 5 parts. Scientific publication. Part 1 -5. Kostanay LLP "Centrum", 2009-2014
- Historical science and Synergetics: methodological problems. Kostanay LLP "Kostanaypoligrafiya", 2008.
- Қазақстан тарихы әдіснамасының және теориясының кейбір мәселелері (Some questions metodlogii theory and history of Kazakhstan). Kostanay LLP "Centrum", 2009
- Ethnodemographic reference Kostanay oblast scientific reference book. Kostanay: Centrum LLP 2009
- XVIII ғасырдың 50-жылдары - XIX ғасырдың бірінші ширегіндегі Орталық және Оңтүстік-шығыс Қазақстандағы саяси үрдістер. Абылай хан // Қазақстан тарихы (көне заманнан бүгінге дейін). Бес томдық. 3-том.-Алматы,:Атамұра, 2010
- Керей хандығының тарихы //Ашамайлы-керей Танаш баба шежіресі -Kostanay: Centrum 2011
- Керей: Problems of ethnic and political history // Kostanay LLP "Centrum" 2012
- Natural geographical and historical background of the emergence of the city of Kustanai Kustanai-// Kostanay: A Short History. From the earliest times until 1936. - Kostanay: TOO "Kostanaypoligrafiya», 2012
- Kurey in the flow of history. Problems of formation of military Potestarian Kazakh ethnic group associations in kontektse ethno-political processes. Saarbrucken: Palmarium Academic Pablishing, 2015
- Actual problems of methodology of Kazakhstan. The application of the methods of the natural sciences in historical research. Saarbrucken: Palmarium Academic Pablishing, 2015. - 472 p.
- Features of Managing the Establishment of the Master's Degree Students' Competence in the Research Activity // World Applied Sciences Journal. Volume 30, №12, 2014
- Methodological aid to form readiness of Master's studies undergraduates for research activity // Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research Volume 21, Number (1) 2014
- Theoretical problems of study the political processes in Kazakhstan in XVIII - XIX centuries // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 6 No 2 S4, April 2015
- Main ways of improving masters' quality ° F the vocational training // International Journal of Academic Research. Vol. 7, No. 2, Iss. 2. March, 2015, Part B
- Discussion problems of history of Kazakhstan // Poisk.Izdenis. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan scientific journal. 1996, number 5
- The emergence and development of the political organization of the nomads of Kazakhstan // Herald TREASURY. A series of law. №3 (24), 2002.
- Problems of application of general systems theory and synergy in historical research // Higher School of Kazakhstan, 2006, №2
- Historical research in the context of the system //Poisk.Izdenis theory. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan scientific journal. 2006, № 2
- The phenomenon of cyclicality in the processes of self-organization of political systems Eurasian nomads // Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Series history, philosophy, law, №3 (43) / 2006
- Settled agricultural component in the nomadic society system // Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Series history, philosophy, law, №3 (43) / 2006
- Қазақстан тарихы пәні қалай оқытылуда? // Қазақ тарихы. Ғылыми-әдістемелік журнал 2006, №3
- Quasi-history of Kazakhstan: current state and trends // Bulletin of the Eurasian National University. LN Gumilyov. Series of the humanities. № 1 (53), 2007
- Application of the methods of the natural sciences in historical research: review of current status // News of Altai State University. "History Series. Politics», № 4/2, 2007
- Regulatory system nomads // Thought, number 12, 2007
- Ahmet Baytұrsynұly zhane tarihtanu teoriyasy // Қазақ тарихы. Ғылыми-әдістемелік журнал, № 4, 2007
- History of Kazakhstan and the problem of myth // Omsk Scientific Bulletin, № 4 (58), 2007
- Object and subject of the history of Kazakhstan: problem // Electronic scientific journal «edu.e-history.kz» № 3