Alimbaev Alibek
- + Department of physical and mathematical disciplines
- + Position: senior lecturer
- + Academic degree: master of mathematics
Alimbayev A. A. graduated from Kostanay state pedagogical Institute in 2007 with a degree in Mathematics with honors.
In 2009 he entered the master's degree in Mathematics, which he also graduated with honors.
In 2017, he graduated from the Eurasian University named after L. N. Gumilev with a degree in Mathematics.
Disciplines taught:
- Еселі интегралдар және қатарлар
- Функционалды талдауға кіріспе
- Introduction into functional analysis
- Нақтыталдау
- Ли теориясына кіріспе және оның көрсетілімі
- Introduction to the theory of Lie algebras and its representations
- Олимпиадалық есептерді шешудің әдістері
Has more than 10 publications
The main direction of scientific activity: Nonassociative algebras over Euclidean rings, automorphisms of nonassociative rings.
Schedule of individual work with students: Friday-14.30 h, 609.