Esmaganbetova Shynar

  • + Department of Fine Arts
  • + Educational program "Music Education"
  • + Position: Senior teacher
  • + Scientific degree: -


  • 1993-1997, Kostanay College of Culture, qualification organizer of leisure, head of the national orchestra.
  • 1997-2002, Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov. qualification: teacher, orchestra artist, orchestra conductor


History of world music, History of Kazakh music, Basic musical instrument (Kobyz), Preschool musical education


  • Methods of teaching on the basic tool (kobyz) - textbook. - 2006
  • Theory and practice of teaching in the school of instrumental music. Teaching guide-2014
  • The basis of the arrangement. Study Guide. Amirhamzin N.K., Esmaganbetova Sh.K. 2017
  • Musical education for children of preschool age. Tutorial. Esmaganbetova Sh.K., Esenova D.K., Mauletova A.A. 2018
  • Electronic textbook "Musical education for preschoolers." Esmaganbetova Sh.K., Esenova DK, Mauletova A.A., 2018.


  • The role of language culture in the teaching of music in modern times. Materials of the regional scientific-practical conference of young scientists. Kostanay, 2006
  • The history of shamanism and the relationship with the kobyz art. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Aldamzhar Readings 2015" - Kostanay, 2015
  • Understanding the knowledge gained during the course. The world is changing - we are changing. Trainers center of excellence. Astana, 2016
  • The importance of folk songs in the education of children. Alibek G.A., Esmaganbetova, Sh.K. KGPI 2-2017.
  • Development history and history of the kobyz instrument. Esmaganbetova Sh. Scientific-methodical journal Pedagogical thoughts. № 2017
  • Information technology in education: the development of distance learning curricula. KGPI. 07.03-07.06.2017
  • Development of creative abilities of future music teachers in the synthesizer. III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Quality Management: Search and Solutions" Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 27-29, 2017
  • Children's composers of Kazakhstan in the XX-XXI centuries, Avant-garde of science, 2017, No. 11, Esmaganbetova Sh.K., Akhatova AK
  • “Musical education for children of preschool age”. Avant-garde science, 2017 - № 11. 61; Esmaganbetova Sh.K., Esenova D.K.,
  • “The role of Korkyt in kobyz music”. Avant-garde Science 2017 - No. 11, ps, Esmaganbetova Sh.K., Zhomartova B.B.
  • Akyns of Kostanay region, which contributed to the development of Kazakh culture, the Academy of Regional Management. Seoul, Korea. March 28-30, 2018 Esmaganbetova Sh.K., Akbuzhurova S.Zh., Amirhamzin N.Kh.
  • The importance of folk songs in preschool education. Modern editions of science and education. The conference. April 2018 KGPI., Zhanaeva N.Zh., Esmaganbetova Sh.K.,


  • 2016 - Akimat diploma on the development of the language and culture of Kostanay.
  • 2018. - Diploma of KGPI Kostanay
  • 2018 - Diploma of the State Institution "Department of Education of the Akimat of the City of Kostanay" in Kostanay.


  • 2006 Kostanay "School of the young teacher." educational and methodical council KGPI.
  • 2013 - Almaty. "Improving the qualifications of teachers of higher educational institutions of the RK" - Refresher courses at JSC Orleu NTsPK
  • 2013 - Atyrau. Participant of the joint orchestra of 1000 people of the Republican festival “Kүy atasy ғrmanғazy”. Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 2013 - Kostanay. Modern digital technologies in education as a condition for increasing the quality of education. KGPI TsPKiPPK.
  • 2016 - Astana. Training of trainers on the Program of additional professional education of graduate students of higher educational institutions engaged in the training of teachers, developed on the basis of the level programs of advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. CPM AOO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools"
  • 2016 - Kostanay. "Innovative technologies in teaching the work of the orchestra of folk instruments" master-class of the associate professor of the Kazakh National Conservatory, honorary professor, leader in the field of culture, conductor N. Tlendiyeva, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Begindikova Zh.A. "Kostanay Regional Philharmonic named after E.Umurzakov"
  • 2016 - Almaty. Advanced training courses of the faculty of higher educational institutions for the intensive training of teachers, teaching staff of the university, taking into account the development of the practice of universities and entrepreneurial skills based on GPIID. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.
  • 2018 - the city of Abakan. Khakass State University named after NF.Katanov. Innovative education technology in high school.
  • 2018 - Karaganda, Partner, Educational and legal technology, Modernization of modern education is an important factor in the modern educational space.
  • 2018 Atyrau. International Festival of Orchestra of Folk Instruments, dedicated to Kyu atasу Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly.


  • Zhomartova B.VII Republican Student Subject Olympiad in the discipline "Main musical instrument" (Kobyz) in the specialty 5B010600-Musical education. Almaty 2015
  • Nazarova B. Taraz 2017, Taraz music games. Republican contest of performers of folk instruments Nomination of folk instruments III place.
  • Esenova D. Russia, 2017 National Instruments (Kazakh Kobyz) 3rd place. International competition - festival of performers on musical instruments.
  • Zhomartova B. RK, Borovoye. 2017 Assembly of International Arts. National instrument "Talents of the XXI century" (kobyz) III place.


English / elementary

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110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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