Kalzhanov Marat
- + Department of physical and mathematical disciplines
- + Position: Associate Professor
- + Academic degree: Candidate Of Physical And Mathematical Sciences
- 1979-1982 - Arkalyk pedagogical Institute, faculty of physics and mathematics, specialty "Mathematics and Physics", 1982 - transfer to Karaganda state University on specialty «Mathematics»;
- 1982-1985 - Karaganda state University, faculty of mathematics, specialty «Mathematics»;
- 1989-1993 - Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, full-time postgraduate study, specialty 01.01.09. - «Mathematical cybernetics»
- 1993 - defense of the thesis for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences.
Disciplines taught:
- Сервистік оқыту
- Сервисное обучение
- Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика
- Введение в функциональный анализ
- Действительный анализ
- Ықтималдық теория және математикалық статистикасы
- Стохастика и теория вероятностей
- Кәсіби орыс тілі
- Профессиональный русский язык
Research interests: «Theory of random processes», «Applied mathematics», «Mathematical modeling»
Schedule of individual work with students: Friday 10.30-11.20 / 15.20-16.20, 401, 609