Kovsh Natalia

- + Department of the Theory and practice of physical culture and sport
- + Position: Senior Teacher
- + Scientific degree: -
After graduating from the Kazakh State Institute of Physical Culture, specializing in "Physical Education" he works at the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute at the Department of T & P FC and S.
Kovsh N.A. conducts classes with students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism. He reads a large course of lectures and conducts practical and seminar classes in the following academic disciplines: "Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports", "Psychology of FC and Sports", "Handball with Teaching Methods", "Volleyball with Teaching Methods", "LFK and Massage "," Psychology of Tourist Activities "," Theory and Technologies of Physical Education in Primary Schools ".
Natalia Alekseevna's research is devoted to the problems of improving the physical education of students. Performs scientific work in the framework of the dissertation research on the problems of forming the professional competence of the future specialist in physical culture and sports in the form of competition under the guidance of the doctor of pedagogical sciences Andrushishin IF. in the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism.
As part of the research group Kovsh NA. participates in the joint activity of the Ural State University of Physical Culture and the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute since 2006 on the international scientific project "Health Behavior in School-aged Children". He has 36 scientific publications.