Lihodedova Lyudmila

- + Department of Psychology and Defectology
- + Position: Head of the Department
- + Academic degree: Candidate of pedagogical Sciences
Graduated from Karaganda pedagogical Institute in the specialty "Defectology" (Speech therapy with additional specialty PIME) in 1991.
From 1995 to 1998 she studied at the postgraduate course of the Ural state pedagogical University in Yekaterinburg, defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of pedagogical Sciences (13.00.03-Correctional pedagogy). Teaching experience is 16 years, including 7 years - head of the Department.
Basic discipline:
- Psychopathology,
- basic speech therapy,
- practical speech therapy,
- methodology,
- research methods in special pedagogy»,
- special education,
- special psychology,
- correctional psychology.
Published 40 works, 4 teaching AIDS used by students of psychological and pedagogical faculty in the educational process.
The main direction of scientific activity :" formation of lexical and grammatical structure of speech in children with visual impairment."