Malchakova Valeriya

- + Department of the Theory and practice of physical culture and sport
- + Лауазымы: Senior Teacher
- + Ғылыми дәрежесі: Master of tourism
Malshakova V.V. was born in 1987. In 2009 she graduated from the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, specialty "Tourism", with the qualification "Tourism Manager". In 2013 she graduated from the Urals State University of Physical Education in Chelyabinsk, specialty "Tourism", qualification "Master of Tourism".
Has practical experience in the field of animation activities of hotel complexes in Turkey. He leads an active tourist activity in the field of sports tourism. He has experience of mountain sports trips of the 1st category of complexity. Actively participates in the public life of the Kostanay region, is the coordinator of the youth programs of the Red Crescent Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
He conducts research work on the problem of effective implementation of animation programs in the tourist business of the Republic of Kazakhstan.