Ordasheva Miramgul

  • + Department of Fine Arts
  • + Educational program «Visual art, art work, graphics and design»
  • + Position: Senior teacher
  • + Scientific degree: master of pedagogics and psychology
  • Member of the Union of Young Artists of Kazakhstan

In 2006 y. she graduated from Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute, "Fine arts and drawing" with honors. In 2007 y. entered the graduate specialty 6N0103 Psychology and Pedagogy, in 2009 y. graduated with her master's degree Psychology and Pedagogy.
Since September 2009 y. working as a teacher at the Department of "History and Theory of Art," Introduction to the discipline leads specialty foundation design Basics bumagoplastiki, Decorative Painting, Landscape. She graduated from the courses in 3d max, Corel Draw and Arhicad, which gives the opportunity to teach Computer aided design, and the use of computer technology in the classroom lecture.

Contact us

110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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