Perezhogin Yury

- + Department of Natural Sciences
- + Position: Professor
- + Degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
- + Academic title: associate professor
- 1988 Kostanay Agricultural Institute, specialty "agronomy", qualification "scientist-agronomist"
- 1991 - 1995 Postgraduate Studies at the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, UC USSR Academy of Sciences.
- Degree - Candidate of Biological Sciences (1996)
- Academic rank - associate professor (Associative professor of Biology - 2006)
- 2005 - present Full member (academician) of the International Academy of Informatization
- 1989-2001 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
- 1999-2001 Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, KGU
- 2001-2003 Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Kostanay Social Academy
- 2003-2006 Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations of Kostanay Social and Technical University
- 2006-2007 Vice-Rector for Research, International Relations and Publishing of Kostanay Social and Technical University
- 2007-2009 professor of KSPI
- 2009-2011 Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, KSPU
- 2011-2018 Head of the Research Center for the Study of Biodiversity KSPU
- 2011 - present Professor of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University MES RK
- (additionally: 2014-2017 senior researcher at the Ural Federal University, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, part-time)
Awards and Promotions
2013 - Departmental badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Honorary Worker of Education"
Scientific and pedagogical activity
Published more than 100 scientific works, including a number of monographs, research sites and training manual.
In 1995 at the Institute of Ecology of plants and animals, Ural branch of RAS he defended his thesis, "Ontogeny, population structure and prospects for the use of Rhodiola rosea L. in the Northern Urals" (Scientific supervisor: academician of the USSR Gorchakovskii P. L.).
Under the leadership Perezhogin Yu. V. were prepared and successfully defended: 1 PhD thesis, 2 MSC thesis and more than 150 diploma works.
The main direction of research - Flora of Kostanay region.
In total, during the study of flora revealed:
- 144 plant species not previously reported for the Tobol-Ishim floristic region.
- 5 plant species not previously reported for the Torgai floristic region (Asparagus neglectus Kar. Et Kir., Geranium transversale (Kar. Et Kir.) Vved. Marsilia quadrifolia L., Minuartia regeliana (Trautv.) Mattf., Salvinia natans (L .) All.).
- 19 plant species not previously reported for the territory of Kazakhstan as a whole (Arctium lappa L., Arctium minus (Hill.) Bernh., Carduus acanthoides L., Centaurea diffusa Lam., Ceratophyllum oryzetorum Kom., Elodea canadensis Michx., Festuca pseudodalmatica Kraya ., Juncus tenuis Willd., Myosotis ropovii Dobrocz. And others).
- Discovered and described 2 new species for science:
- Tulipa auliekolica Perezhogin (information on type http://rcb.kspi.kz/pages/Families/Liliaceae/Tulipa_auliekolica.html/Tulipa_auliekolica.html)
- Tulipa turgaica Perezhogin (information on type http://rcb.kspi.kz/pages/Families/Liliaceae/Tulipa_turgaica.html)
2011-Present Director of Herbarium of Kostanay state pedagogical University (international acronym – KSPI)
Head of the research group on the creation Of the Museum of natural history of KSPU(more than 1000 paleontological exhibits)
The head of the contractual agreement in conjunction with the "Management of natural resources and environmental management of the Akimat of Kostanay region".
As part of the contract, 2 topics were implemented:- Creation of the natural-science substantiation (EWO) of the state botanical natural monument of local importance «Orlyak pine with s. Kamensk-Ural».
- Creation of the natural scientific substantiation (EHE) of the Mikhailovsky State Natural (Zoological) Nature Reserve.
Project work
International projects
- International scientific project "Flora of the Ural". Project coordinator, author of the website "Flora of the Ural" ( http://herbarium.kspi.kz/)
- International scientific project "Virtual encyclopedia of the steppes (Kazakhstan)". )". Project participant, author of the site "Virtual encyclopedia of the steppes (Kazakhstan)" (http://steppes.kspi.kz/)
National projects
- Grant MES RK "Creating an information database on the paleontological heritage of the geohistorical space of Kazakhstan."
- Co-author of the database "Paleontological heritage of the geohistorical space of Kazakhstan". This database received a certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright No. 481 dated March 29, 2017 (IS 007684).
- The author of the site "Paleontological heritage of Kazakhstan" (http://paleokz.kspi.kz/)
Regional projects
- Head of the initiative theme: Perezhogin Yu.V. "Flora of the Kostanay region (virtual herbarium)" State registration number 0117RKI0133 http://rcb.kspi.kz/pages/families.html
- Rare and endangered plants of Kostanay region (North Kazakhstan). Project manager, author of the site "Rare and endangered plants of the Kostanay region". http://rcb.kspi.kz/pages/Redbook.html
- State Nature Reserve "Altyn Dala". Project coordinator, author of the site "State Natural Reserve" Altyn Dala http://altyndala.kspi.kz/.
Major scientific publications
He has more than 100 scientific publications, including training manual and monographs
- Perezhogin Yu.V. Illustrated laboratory practical on the systematics of higher plants. Tutorial. - Kostanay, 2012. - 200 p.
- Perezhogin Yu.V., Kurlov S.I. “Laboratory Workshop on Geobotany.” - Kostanay, 2013. - 160 p.
- Perezhogin Yu.V. Wild rare and endangered plants of Kostanay region. - Kostanay: Kostanaypoligrafiya, 2004. - 106 p.
- Perezhogin Yu.V., Borodulina OV, Konysbaeva DT, Kurlov S.I. Reference and protected areas of the Kostanay region (State Botanical Natural Monument of local significance "Planting of birch and pine forests at Lake Borovskoe"). - Kostanay, 2012. - 210 p. Bible - 112 names., Silt. 127.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals HAC RK, HAC RF, RSCI, Committee for Supervision and Certification of Scientific Personnel, Scopus, Thompson Reuter, Web of science, etc.
- Perezhogin Yu.V. Botanical and geographical zoning of the Kostanay region. - Almaty, “Search”. - № 4. - 2005. - p. 88-91
- Perezhogin Yu.V. New species of flora of Kostanay region. - Almaty, “Search”. - № 1. - 2006. - p. 49-54
- Perezhogin Yu.V. Formation of vegetation cover of the Kostanay region (Northern Kazakhstan) // Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, No. 9, - 2006. - P. 257-260
- Perezhogin Yu.V. Horological analysis of the flora of the Kostanay region (Northern Kazakhstan) // Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, № 6, - 2006. - P. 89-93
- Perezhogin Yu.V. Botanical and geographical zoning and composition of the flora of the Kostanay region (Northern Kazakhstan) // Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, № 80, - 2007. - P. 121-125
- Perezhogin Yu.V. Ecological and coenotic analysis of meadow tsenoflora of Tobol-Esil floristic district (Northern Kazakhstan) // “Key natural territories of the steppe zone of Northern Eurasia”. Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, special issue № 67 - 2007. - p. 165-158
- Perezhogin Yu.V. Taxonomic analysis of the flora of the Kostanay region (Northern Kazakhstan) // Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, No. 5 (86), - 2008. - P. 137-139
- Perezhogin Yu.V. Relics in the flora of the Kostanay region (Northern Kazakhstan) // Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, No. 85, - 2008. - P. 130-132
- Perezhogin Yu.V. New species of flora of Kazakhstan // Biological diversity of flora of the Urals and adjacent territories: materials of the All-Russian conference with international participation. - Ekaterinburg: Goschitsy, 2012. - p. 83-84
- Perezhogin Yu.V. New types of tulips from North Kazakhstan. - SPb, Botanical Journal, 2013. - №12. - T.98. - p. 1558-1563.
- Perezhogin Yu.V., Kurlov S.I. Additions to the list of rare and endangered plants of the Kostanay region (Northern Kazakhstan) // Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, No. 10 (185), - 2015. - P. 43-47.
- Kurlov SI, Perezhogin Yu.V. Fossil Paleogene-Neogene Flora of Northern Torgai (Central Kazakhstan) // Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, No. 10 (185), - 2015. - P. 30-36.
- Perezhogin Yu.V., Kulikov P.V., Kurlov S.I. Addition to the flora of Kazakhstan. - SPb, Botanical Journal, 2015. - №5. - T.100. - p. 501-503.
- V., Kurlov S.I. Addition to the flora of the state natural reserve "Altyn Dala" - St. Petersburg, Botanical Journal, 2016. - №3. - T.101. - p. 302-308.
- Perezhogin Yu.V., Kurlov S.I. Additions and changes to the list of rare and endangered plants of the Kostanay region (Northern Kazakhstan) // Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, No. 10 (185), - 2015. - P. 43-47.
- Perezhogin Yu.V., Kulikov P.V. New species of flora of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, No. 3 (203), - 2017. - p. 78-80.
Publications of the author can be found here: http://rcb.kspi.kz/pages/Article.html