Safargalieva Gulfiya

- + Department of the Theory and practice of physical culture and sport
- + Position: Senior Teacher
- + Scientific degree: Master of pedagogy and psychology
Professional skills and knowledge
- knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, theories and methods of physical culture and sports;
- knowledge of state educational standards RK and providing students knowledge and skills, not below the level stipulated by GOST RK;
- knowledge of methods of teaching physical culture and sports, educational work and means of training;
- knowledge and compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
Work experience
- 1994-1995 the teacher of physical culture and sport secondary schools them.I. Altynsarina S. Torgay
- 1997-1999. basketball coach of the "Zhasulan" sports center in Arkalyk
- 1999-2000 teacher of physical education and sport secondary schools them.A. baitursynova with Karasu
- 2000-2003 teacher of physical culture and sports of secondary schools.N. G. Ivanov
- 2003-2005 chief specialist of the akim of Zhangeldy district sports
- 2005-2008 chief specialist of the Zhangelda district Department of education for General education
- 2008-2010 Senior lecturer at the Department of physical culture and sports of the Arkalyk pedagogical Institute.I. Altynsarina
- 2010-2019. head of the Department of physical culture and sports of the Arkalyk pedagogical Institute.I. Altynsarina
- 2019 since September, senior lecturer of Kostanay state pedagogical University. U. Sultangazina
- 1997 Torgai humanitarian College named after him. N. Kulzhanova with honors, teacher of physical culture and sports
- 2004 Arkalyk state Institute.I. Altynsarina, teacher of physical culture and sports
- 2016 Turan-Astana University master of pedagogical Sciences
Promotion courses Qualifications
- 2015 international Academy of management and technology Alt-Pempelfort 15 40211 Dusseldorf Deutschland / Germany from 25.11 to 04.12.2015 took part in the internship "Innovative methods and technologies of practice-oriented training in German universities".
- 2015, "Nazarbayev setcalc mektuplar" DBB pedagogical sebelk center Cambridge universityn Bilim take fakulteten brisp zerlegen Kazakstan respublikasy teacher itmatchonline blacklg attirude deal badalameti neshe diendan teacher catlady of garlicin Geary excellent orindary professorly-outwhile army atarian trenarren oito badalameti boiynsha 232 academicaly seat clemenger kursty atady.
- 2016 Successfully completed the Philosophy of Education in the context of Globalization and European integration processes.
- In 2016, the Independent accreditation and rating Agency took part in the training seminar " Development of an intra-University system for ensuring the quality of education»
- 2016 Attended and participated in the seminar Education for Sustainable Development: Theory and Practice across Higher Pedagogical Education.
- 2016 The ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This certificate is issued to confirm successful achievement of English level Beginner.
- 2017 Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan al-Farabi Kazakh national University Institute of advanced training and additional education. She attended the full course of the Institute of advanced training and additional education of the al-Farabi Kazakh national University "Management of higher education" in the volume of 72 academic hours.