Salamatova Almagul

  • + Department of Preschool and Primary Education
  • + Position: Senior Teacher
  • + Academic degree: -

In 1998 she graduated from Kostanay state University. A. Baitursynova majoring in Psychology»

Number of publications: 12 articles, 1 electronic textbook

Courses taught: Basics of professional activity of the teacher, child psychology, Psychological and pedagogical bases of communication of preschool children.

The main direction of scientific activity: "Psychological and pedagogical conditions of development of subjective potential of the future teacher and primary school teacher »


  1. The role of the family in the civil education of modern youth / Salamatova AB / / Materials of regional altynsarinsky pedagogical readings "Modernization of the education system as the basis for sustainable development of Kazakhstan's society" part I, Kostanay.- 2011.
  2. Problems of formation of professional competence of students of pedagogical high school / A. B. Salamatova / / Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Integration processes in education: problems and prospects", 2012
  3. Professional consciousness of students of pedagogical University / Salamatov, A. B. // journal of science of Kostanai socio-technical University named after academician Zulkarnai Aldamzhar, No. 2, 2012
  4. Moral education of the personality of a student of the University / A. B. Salamatova / / materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Spiritual, moral and legal education of the individual" (July-October 2015),-Ust-Kamenogorsk, Republic of Kazakhstan: East Kazakhstan state University.S. Amanzholova, 2015.

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110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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