Tashlykov Vladimir

- + Department of the Theory and practice of physical culture and sport
- + Position: Senior Teacher
- + Scientific degree: -
He graduated from the Kostanay Pedagogical Institute named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR in 1988, specializing in "Physical Education", in 2007 Chelyabinsk State University specialty "Jurisprudence".
The general pedagogical experience of 22 years.
He has 5 scientific publications.
Publications in scientific and scientific-methodical journals
- Tashlykov V.S. Health education as a factor of strengthening immunity and opposing unfavorable ecological conditions [Text] / VS Tashlykov, ZG Polonnyankina, MM Dosmukhamedova // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The successes of formation and functioning a network of specially protected natural areas and the study of biological diversity ", Kazakhstan, Kostanay, February 26 - 27, 2014 / ed. K. M. Baymyrzaeva, TM Bragina, E. A. Abilya .- Kostanay: KGPI, 2014.- P. 337 - 339.