Zhumagalieva Batzhan Mukanovna

  • + Department of Natural Sciences
  • Position:Professor
  • + Academic degree: Candidate of Chemical Sciences


  • 1973-1977. Postgraduate study at Kazakh State University named after S.Kirova at the Department of Analytical Chemistry
  • 1965-1970.Student of the Faculty of Chemistry of Kazakh State University. S.M. Kirova
  • 1996 г. Academic title of associate professor (by decision of the Higher Attestation Commission, 1996 diploma)
  • 1986 at the dissertation council of Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirova defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of chemical sciences 02.00.05 - Electrochemistry on the topic "Oxygen corrosion of diluted amalgams" (diploma in 1986


  • 2008up to present professor at Kostanai State Pedagogical University2006–2008. Associate Professor KinEU them. M. Dulatova
  • 1993–2006. Works at Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynova
  • Associate Professor of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynova
  • Professor, Department of General Chemistry, Kostanai State University named after A. Baitursynova
  • 1989-1993.Lecturer, Head Department of Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute. I. Altynsarin
  • 1986-1989.She headed the departments of environmental protection and analytical chemistry of the Turgai regional design and survey station for chemicalization
  • 1977-1986. Laboratory chemist with higher education in the chemical laboratory of the Turgai Regional Sanitary and Epidemiological Station
  • 1972-1973. Laboratory chemist with higher education in the chemical laboratory of the Turgai Regional Sanitary and Epidemiological Station
  • 1971-1972. Teacher of Sulukolsky secondary school of the Semiozerny district of Kostanay region
  • 1970-1971. Chemical engineer of the North Kazakhstan Geological Department of Kostanay

Awards and rewards:

  • In 2001, she was awarded the title of "Best Teacher of the Year" in the competition of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynova - “Teacher of the Year”.
  • In 2017, she was awarded the title of “Best Curator” in the contest of KSPI (First Place).
  • She was repeatedly awarded honorary and meritorious letters from the Akim of the region, the leadership of KSU and KSPI.

Scientific and pedagogic alactivity:

  • She has published more than 80 scientific works, of which 5 methodological and educational publications.
  • In 1986, at the dissertation council of Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirova defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of chemical sciences 02.00.05 - Electrochemistry on the topic “Oxygen corrosion of diluted amalgams”.
  • Under the guidance of B.M. Zhumagalieva, 5 master's theses and about 60 dissertations were prepared and successfully defended. The works of her students became the winners of regional, regional and republican competitions. In 1997, one of the student works took 2nd place in the republican student competition.
  • 1994-2003 led the SSC in chemistry and students won prizes in regional competitions and participated in the republican contest “Daryn”.
  • 2013 and 2015. republican student olympiads were held at KSPI. Under the direction of B.M. Zhumagalieva were prepared experimental tour of the Olympics at a high level. In 2019, students earned a total of 93 points in student olympiads in Karaganda, of which 69 points in the experimental tour in analytical chemistry took first place.
  • M.Zhumagalieva pays great attention to the material base, in 2014 we acquired the necessary instruments for the educational process (electronic scales, spectrophotometer, muffle furnace, etc.).

Project activities:

Completed research:

  • Since 1993, B.M.Zhumagalieva has been working on the approved topic of the department "Environmental Monitoring".

The main areas of research:

  1. Жумагалиева Б.М. Определение SO2в атмосферном воздухе. Первый международный конгресс «Экологическая методология возрождения Человека и планеты Земля». Народная Академия Казахстана. – Алматы: Экология, 1997.
  2. Жумагалиева Б.М., Алтынбаева Л.Ш. Исследование содержания фенола, выделяемого в воздухе полимерными материалами. Вестник науки казахского гос. Агротехнического университета им. С.Сейфуллина, №4 (46)/2006.
  3. Жумагалиева Б.М., Алтынбаева Л.Ш. Исследование содержания формальдегида, выделяемого в воздухе полимерными материалами. Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции «Валихановские чтения-12», т.4, г.Кокшетау, 2007 г.
  4. Жумагалиева Б.М., Чашков В.Н., Чапаксин И.В. Исследование отдельных химических компонентов в сточных водах. МАТЕРИАЛЫ І-ой Международной научно-практической конференции «Султангазинские чтения» 17-18 мая 2019. 243-246 стр.

Major scientific publications:

  1. Жұмағалиева Б.М. Сандық анализ (оқу құралы). Методическое пособие. Костанай, 2011. – 118 с.
  2. Жұмағалиева Б.М. «Қышқылдық-негіздік әрекеттесулер» әдістемелік нұсқауы. Қостанай: ҚМПИ, 2013. – 48 б.
  3. Жумагалиева Б.М. Сборник задач по аналитической химии. КГУ им. А.Байтурсынов. – Костанай, 2002. – 100 с.
  4. Жұмағалиева Б.М. Гравиметрлік және титриметрлік анализ тәсілдерінің әдістемелік нұсқаулары. А.Байтұрсынұлы атындағы Қостанай мемлекеттік университеті, 20013. – 44 б.
  5. Жұмағалиева Б.М. Сапалық анализден методикалық нұсқаулар.Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы Арқалық педагогикалық институты. – Арқалық, 1990. – 23 б.
  6. Жұмағалиева Б.М., Байкенов Е.А. IV Республикалық студенттердің химия олимпиадасының эксперименттік турының орындалу әдістемесі. VІІІ Международный БЕРЕМЖАНОВСКИЙ съезд по химии и химической технологии. Г.Усть-Каменогорск. – 2014 г. – 174-177 с.
  7. Жумагалиева Б.М., Жиенбаев Т.А. Методика выполнения задании экспериментального тура областной олимпиады по химии. МАТЕРИАЛЫ І-ой Международной научно-практической конференции «Султангазинские чтения» 17-18 мая, 2019. – 177-180 с.

In addition, there are many publications in the media of vocational guidance and educational character.

Contact us

110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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