The first part of the student competition “Study abroad” will take place on 14th May 2018 at 10.30 am in Room G-203. It will be held in the form of online test in English.

Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрінің 2011 жылғы 31 наурыздағы  № 128 бұйрығымен бекітілген «Ғылыми атақтар (қауымдастырылған профессор (доцент), профессор) беру ережесінің» 7 тармағына сай «Қостанай мемлекеттік педагогикалық институт» ШЖҚ РМК Ғылыми кеңесі 07.00.00 - Тарих мамандығы бойынша «Қауымдастырылған профессор (доцент)» ғылыми атағына ізденуші Қазақстан тарихы кафедрасының доценті, тарих ғылымдарының кандидаты Өтеген Ихсанұлы Исеновтің құжаттарын орналастырады.


By the order of Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan №33 dated February 1, 2018 «On awarding vacant educational grants freed up in the process of getting higher education» the vacant educational grants are awarded to the following students:

  1. Lyassota Vladislava (5В010100 Pre-school teaching and education, 3rd year)
  2. Tolemis Zhuldyzay (5В011300 Biology, 4th year)
  3. Bakytbekkyzy Gulzhan (5В010200 Pedagogic and methods of primary education, 2nd year)
  4. Kuanyshbayeva Indira (5В010500 Defectology, 3rd year)
  5. Ormanbekova Yeldana (5В010700 Fine arts and drawing, 3rd year)
  6. Zhumatayeva Indira (5В010900 Mathematics, 3rd year)
  7. Samokhina Irina (5В011800 Russian Language and Literature, 1st year)
  8. Tairbergenova Diana (5В011000 Physics, 1st year)
  9. Kakimzhanova Aruzhan (5В010900 Mathematics, 3rd year)
  10. Kozhamberdiyev Sultan (5В011400 History, 2nd year)
  11. Shalova Tomiris (5В011400 History, 3rd year)
  12. Ospanova Kamila (5В011500 Basics of law and economy, 2nd year)
  13. Bryukhanova Xeniya (5В011600 Geography, 2nd year)
  14. Zharaspayeva Aigerim (5В011700 Kazakh Language and Literature, 2nd year)
  15. Bozhko Yelizaveta (5В011800 Russian language and literature, 4th year)
  16. Rakhimgulova Khalida (5В011800 Russian Language and Literature, 3rd year)
  17. Alshimova Zhanar (5В011900 Foreign language: Two Foreign Languages (English), 2nd year)
  18. Ossokina Tamara (5В011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages (English), 3rd year)
  19. Brazhnik Vadim (5В010700 Fine arts and drawing, 3rd year 3 years))

From the February 1, 2018 the above students are transferred to training on the state educational grant.

Согласно п.7 Правил присвоения ученых званий (ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор), утвержденным приказом министра образования и науки Республики Казахстан от  31 марта  2011 года  № 128 Ученый совет РГП на ПХВ «Костанайский государственный педагогический институт» МОН РК размещает справку и список научных трудов профессора кафедры иностранных языков, кандидата филологических наук Исмагуловой Гульнар Кульмухамбетовны для присвоения ученого звания - профессора по специальности 10.02.00 – Языкознание.

The center of Y. Altynsarin at department of Pedagogic of KSPI announced competition on the best emblem of the Center of Y. Altynsarin. The tender purpose – is development of an emblem for her further use as symbolic of the Center.

Students of KSPI can take part in tender and provide the project of an emblem executed individually or group in the form of the drawing with use of any graphics computer editor.

Согласно п.7 Правил присвоения ученых званий (ассоциированный профессор (доцент), профессор), утвержденным приказом министра образования и науки Республики Казахстан от  31 марта  2011 года  № 128 Ученый совет РГП на ПХВ «Костанайский государственный педагогический институт» размещает справку и список научных трудов доцента кафедры истории Казахстана, кандидата исторических наук Таскужиной Айгуль Бакыткереевны для присвоения ученого звания - ассоциированного профессора (доцента) по специальности 07.00.00 – История.

Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute (KSPI), Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University (SSPU) are holding the International Scientific Practical Conference «Building globalised World: social, economic, political Perspectives of Education» on 31st, October, 2017 on the basis of KSPI.

Objectives of the conference:

  • constructive discussion of the present day realities and foreign languages education prospects;
  • establishment of scientific and business contacts;
  • creation of joint projects in the field of globalised education.

Polylingual center announces extra set of differently level courses on free studying the Kazakh, Russian and English languages for employees, teachers and students of Kostanay State Pedagogical institute. The record is carried out till January 23, 2017 in the cabinet # 129.Polylingual center announces extra set of differently level courses on free studying the Kazakh, Russian and English languages for employees, teachers and students of Kostanay State Pedagogical institute. The record is carried out till January 23, 2017 in the cabinet # 129.

February 12, 2016 at Kostanai, Street Tarana 118 Meeting held Republican scientific-practical conference. Invited authors of scientific articles to participate in panels.

Department of Academic Affairs in conjunction with the chairs of natural sciences, foreign languages and pedagogy on February 20 at 15.00 in the conference hall of the Institute, a roundtable discussion on "multilingual education as the main condition for integration into the international educational space"

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110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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