Department of Informatics, Robotics and Computer Technologies
The Department of Informatics, robotics and computer technology was established in 2004.
The Department of Informatics, robotics and computer technology trains future teachers in the following educational programs (OP):
6B01503 Сomputer Science
- Education Аrea Сode and Сlassification: 6В01 Pedagogical Sciences
- Classification of Subjects and Areas of Training: 6B015 training of teachers in natural science subjects
- Group of educational programs: B011 Training of Teachers of Informatics
6B01503 Computer Science, Robotics and design
- Education Area Code and Classification: 6B01 pedagogical Sciences
- Classification Code and areas of training: 6B014 training of teachers with subject specialization of General development
- Group of educational programs: B011 training of teachers of Informatics
6B01404 Vocational Training
- Education Area Code and Classification: 6B01 Pedagogical Sciences
- Code and Classification of Training Areas: 6B014 Training of Teachers With Subject Specialization of General Development
- Group of Educational Programs: B007 Training of Teachers of Art work and drawing
6B01407 Vocational Training, Art Work and Design Education Area
- Code and Classification: 6B01 Pedagogical Sciences
- Code and Classification of Training areas: 6B014 Training of Teachers With Subject Specialization of General Development
- Group of Educational Programs: B007 Training of Teachers of Art Work and Drawing
Teaching staff of the department
Today, the Department employs 10 specialists: doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, candidate of technical Sciences, masters of natural Sciences, masters of pedagogical Sciences.
[item title="Directions of scientific activities"]
- formation of professional competence of future teachers of computer science; development of e-textbooks with multimedia elements; the formation of information competence of teachers.
- design of educational content along the trajectories of the specialty vocational training in the conditions of updating of technological education in school.
The Department carries out certain work on the introduction of innovative programs and technologies in the study of disciplines. Staff of the Department are actively implemented and applied methods of implementation of didactic equipment capabilities database computer systems, particularly interactive whiteboard and multimedia systems, electronic teaching tools, and Internet resources.
Teachers of the Department are active in professional development of teachers of the Institute in the framework of the training seminars, for example, on the theme "Formation of generalized information abilities of teachers (interactive whiteboard, electronic textbook)".
The Department pays great attention to the organization of research activity of students. Successfully operates research group on robotics and problematic group "materials processing Technology", direction "to Develop, design and manufacture of fixtures".
Students take an active part in Republican, regional competitions of student research work, student's scientific conferences, competitions, projects, debates, state and regional events to support start-up projects. Participate in the activities carried out within the framework of a Detailed plan of the regions to improve conditions for doing business and development of the mass, including family entrepreneurship in 2017-2019 for the implementation of the President's address, "the Third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness". The Department maintains creative links with schools and educational institutions.
[item title="Educational work "]
Educational work is aimed at ensuring the integrity of the learning process and education of students, the creation of cultural and educational environment conducive to the formation of the scientific worldview, spirituality and morality. Traditionally at the faculty level and the Department are planned and carried out events dedicated to state holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Republic Day, Independence Day, Constitution Day. Every year on the curatorial hours is the discussion of the message of President of RK N. Nazarbayev.
At the beginning of the school year, much attention is paid to the question of adaptation, they held a solemn line and curatorial watch on the Day of knowledge, the traditional feast of "Dedication to students". The Department staff takes an active part in sports and cultural activities.
[item title="Career guidance "]
Career guidance during the academic year, the Department carried out professional orientation work in the city schools, teachers of the Department has been distributing fliers in the specialty "Informatics" among the schools of the city and the region. Teachers of the Department conducted regular meeting with participants in competitions, conferences NOU, seminars on computer science, with gifted children RSPC "Daryn" to attract them among the students of the Institute. Through regional Institute of advanced training of Informatics teachers Tsiganova A. D., Dauletbaeva G. B. ongoing methodological work with the students of the courses of career guidance in their workplaces. Teachers carried out in schools of Kostanay region with the promotion group of the Institute. Also, the conduct of career guidance to attract applicants for the program "Serpin" in SKR (Aitenova AA).
[item title="Teaching practice "]
ЭElements of professional and social communication skills of students receive during teaching practice. Pedagogical practice of students of specialty "computer science" held in city schools (GU "School-gimnaziya im. S. maulenov Department of education of akimat of Kostanay city", state institution "School-Lyceum №1 of the Department of education of akimat of Kostanay city" SI "high school № 10 of the Department of education of akimat of Kostanay city, GU "secondary school No. 20 of the Department of education of akimat of Kostanay city", №5, №9, №115). At the final conference they share their experiences about the practice, about schools and students. According to the reports of students shows that the practice gives them a huge interest in the training and education of the younger generation. At the end of the conference summarized the results of the practice, credits are awarded and students receive guidelines on the necessity for teaching practice difficulties. Graduates of the specialty "computer science" is prepared for the organizational pedagogical activity in the sphere of education and science, can be servants in the state administration bodies in the sphere of education, scientific research Institute of the Ministry of education and science, heads of various educational institutions, teachers of Informatics in schools, lyceums, colleges.
The bachelor of vocational education may take the following positions:
- a teacher of General technical and special disciplines, teacher art work teacher, technology Director, Deputy Director for scientific, educational and educational-methodical work, the head of the creative workshop, etc.;
- master of industrial training, specialist research organizations technological and pedagogical profile etc.
[item title="Photo"]