Meeting with representatives of the Department of Justice

On February 1, 2017, a meeting of representatives of the Department of Justice with the teaching staff and students of the Institute took place in the conference hall of Kostanay state pedagogical institute. The meeting was attended by the head of the department for the protection of intellectual property rights Kapyshev Rinat Kuanyshbaevich and a specialist of the department Zhaksylyk Azamat Akylbekuly. The theme of this meeting: Draft law of Republic of Kazakhstan "Amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of Republic of Kazakhstan on improving legislation in the sphere of intellectual property". Also during the meeting, Rinat Kuanyshbaevich told about the basis and purpose of the bill.

The main objectives of the bill are: to improve legislation in the field of intellectual property, taking into account the experience of OECD countries (USA, Japan, Germany, France and Switzerland); Development of scientific and technological progress and free competition; Elimination of legal gaps, taking into account law enforcement practice; Exclusion of norms that create administrative barriers (transition to a single-level registration system and simplification of the procedure for registering contracts); Bringing legal norms into compliance with the Patent Law Treaty (ratified by the Law of Republic of Kazakhstan on May 2, 2011) and the Singapore Treaty on the laws of trademarks (ratified by the Law of Republic of Kazakhstan on April 8, 2012).


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