Kalinichenko Oksana

  • + Department of Psychology and Defectology
  • + Position: Senior lecturer
  • + Academic degree: Master of psychology

Education / Qualifications:

  • In 2008 she graduated with honors from the psychological and pedagogical faculty of KSPI, specialty 020940-Psychology with qualification "psychologist, psychology teacher".
  • In 2010 she graduated with honors from the master's degree of KSPI in 6n0503-Psychology with the qualification of "master of psychology".
  • 2008-2009-assistant Professor of the Department of psychology; * 2009-2011-teacher of the Department of psychology;
  • 2011 - present-senior lecturer of the Department of psychology and defectology.

Taught basic subjects: introduction to the specialty, differential psychology, General psychology.

Elective subjects taught: gender psychology.

Research interests: applied aspects of gender psychology, basics of gender education. Since 2012 she has been the head of the student scientific circle "Applied aspects of gender psychology".

Educational publications:

  1. Gender psychology. Textbook. \ under the editorship of T. I. Smugly. KSPI, 2012, BBK 88.37y73, UDC 159.922 (075), ISBN 978-601-7371-02-9
  2. Psychological support of the process of adaptation of first-year students. Textbook. \ White N. V., Kalinichenko O. V. KSPI, 2013. BCF 88.52ya7, UDC 159.9:37.0, ISBN 978-601-7371-65-4
  3. Gender psychology. Electronic textbook. Kgpi, 2014.
  4. Psychological bases of prevention of suicidal behavior: textbook. \ T. I. Smugly, N. In. White, S. S. Damianova, O. V. Kalinichenko, R. A. Organic Compounds: Reaction Mechanisms. Kostanay, kgpi, 2016.

Scientific publication:

  1. Health-forming education as a guarantee of the preservation of social health of the individual. Materials of Altynsarin regional pedagogical readings "Modernization of the education system as the basis for sustainable development of Kazakh society" part II, January 2011, Pp. 75-77. UDC 378, BBK 74.58 (5 KAZ), ISBN 978-601-7198-63-3.
  2. On the question of the definition of "gender" in modern Kazakhstan society. Scientific-methodical journal "Contemporary higher school: innovative aspects", No. 2, 2011, Pp. 55-58., UDC 37.01, BBK +88.37, ISSN 2071-9620.
  3. Analysis of the state of the problem of gender education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific and methodical journal "Modern higher school: innovative aspect", № 2, 2012. UDC 37.01, BBK +88.37, ISSN 2071-9620.
  4. A study of the trends of nutritional behavior of students. Collection of scientific articles "problems of pedagogical theory and practice". SPb.: BPA publishing house, 2012., ISSN 1818-6467, UDC 378, BBK 74.480.
  5. Formation of gender competence of pedagogical University students through teaching the course "Gender psychology". Actual problems of continuous education: materials of the international scientific-practical conference devoted To memory of T. S. Sadykov. Pavlodar: PMPI, 2013., UDC 37.0 (07), BBK 74.00, ISBN 978-601-267-235-0.
  6. Specific character of demonstration of depression of teenagers depending on sexual identity. Science and Education: materials of the IV international research and practice conference, Vol. II, Munich October 30th – 31st, 2013/ publishing office Vela Verlag Waldkraiburg - Munich – Germany – 2013., ISBN 978-3941352-85-8.
  7. Gender-specific manifestations of perfectionism among University students. Proceedings of the 11th international scientific-practical conference "Nominate for napredno science." Sofia, Bulgaria 2015.
  8. The impact of family education disorders on the adaptation of children of primary school age. \ Herald of ENU. L. N. Gumilev. - № 1 (110). - Astana, 2016.
  9. Perfectionism as a factor of propensity to eating disorders in students of pedagogical high school. Republican scientific and practical seminar "Formation of health culture of students and schoolchildren in the educational process" dated January 28, 2017 ISSN 5-699-166-1.

More than 30 scientific publications.

advanced training:

2014-2015 years.:

  1. Training seminar "the use of multimedia in the educational process", Kostanay (with a certificate).
  2. Training seminar of the National center for scientific and technical information in cooperation with the publishing house "Springer" on the publication of articles in journals with non-zero impact factor, Kostanay (with a certificate).

2015-2016 years.:

  1. "Opportunities for remote work with students through the educational platform Edmodo", Kostanay (with a certificate).
  2. A series of online training seminars on resources Thomson Reuters, Kostanay (with a certificate).
  3. Training seminar on the creation of electronic textbooks on the basis of the laboratory "Innovative educational technologies" of the Department of computer science and technology KSPI, Kostanay (with a certificate).

2016-2017 years.:

  1. Professional development on the Basis of the center of pedagogical skills of AEO "Nazarbayev intellectual schools" within the training of trainers on the program of additional professional education for students of universities engaged in training of teaching staff, Astana (with a certificate).
  2. Training seminar on the basis of the budget program MES RK 204100 "Training of specialists with higher, postgraduate education and social support to students" conducted by M. Freshley, PhD, associate Professor of Russian language and literature of the West Hungarian University (Szombathely, Hungary) with the receipt of the certificate.
  3. Online seminar "Organization of the psychological service of schools on the problem of risky behavior among students: experience, problems, prospects", Kostanay (with a certificate).

Contact us

110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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