Research direction

Theme of scientific direction: "Relevant issues of modern philological science in innovative development."

Research activities were carried out in priority areas:

  • Improving the quality of educational, upbringing and research activities.
  • Mobility development for teachers and students.
  • Introduction of elements of multilingual education.
  • Improving work programs in line with the transition to 12-year education.

The most important achievements of scientific activity in the areas of training

Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature

The problem group “Сөз өнері” works (1-4 courses, 15 students), the debate club “Parasat”.

Under the direction of M.S. Seisembaya T.T. a startup project of a 4th year student Ikhsan D.M. , the purpose of which is to advertise, post congratulatory poems, design drawings.

Ph.D. Nurmukhametova K.T. conducts work with students in the framework of the project “Revival of national values”. The goal is the revival of forgotten traditions, the development of students' creative potential through the promotion of spiritual values.

The aim of the project “Кәсіп түбі – нәсіп” is to introduce young people to sports; creation of conditions for engaging in craft activities in order to obtain additional income for students through training.

Ph.D., associate professor Kanapina S.G. for several years, carries out research work on the scientific project “Axiology of Ethnocultural Features of the Kazakh Language of Kostanay (based on the language of Kazakhs resettled from Uzbekistan, Mongolia)”.

Student Achievements for 2019:

  1. Ikhsan Daniyar Maratuly - holder of a scholarship from the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Leader of the Nation;
  2. Bіrіmzhanova Aigerim - winner of the Presidential scholarship
  3. Zhylkybayuly Zhauynbay
  • 3rd place in the republican contest of young poets "Uly tұlgalarғa tazym" at the Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S. Seyfullin;
  • Winner in the nomination "Best Poet" in the competition of young poets "We believe in youth" in the city of Nur-Sultan;
  • Winner in the nomination “UA Zhambayugly” held in honor of the 160th anniversary of Nurzhan Naushabayuly
  1. Makatova Ayagoz
  • February 28, 2019 at the Republican Pedagogical Distance Olympiad took 2nd place in writing the essay “My calling is a teacher”


  1. Ikhsan Daniyar Maratuly
  • “Рухани жаңғыру - ұлттың ұлы мұраты” - 2nd place among the participants in the reading of poems.
  • In 2018, in the city of Taldykorgan, in the contest of scientific projects “Тар жолды, тайғақ кешулі тағдырлар” in the youth festival “Ilias Alemi” took 2nd place.
  • Winner of the contest "Aybynym Menіn - Astana" organized by Qostanai channel.
  • Winner of the Oreli aqyn nomination in an event organized by the N. Ostrovsky City Library.
  • Certificate holder in the essay competition " Мұғалім: мамандыққа жақын болу"
  • In the XX republican scientific conference of students and undergraduates “Science and the new generation - 2018” took 2nd place.
  • In the regional literary and poetry contest called "Жүрекпен жазылған өлең" took 3rd place.
  • The holder of the Uzdik student-2018 badge in the competition organized by the Concord Bridges Public Foundation entered the collection of talented students “Zhas Qyran”, released as part of the republican project “Best Student”.
  • Winner in the competition for writing stories for children in the nomination "Үздік әңгіме".
  • Winner of the III degree diploma of the republican competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions.
  1. Ikhsan Daniyar, Sultanova Asem
  • Holder of the certificate of the contest of student socially significant innovative projects “My real contribution to the innovative development of the country” at the VI republican patriotic forum of students “Men zhastarga senemin”, dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Participant in the international scientific and practical conference among universities “Ғылым және жаңа ұрпақ - 2018”, Astana, April 12, 2018.
  1. Brimzhanova Aigerim
  • Awarded a letter of gratitude for the excellent performance in the contest “ Соғайын сөзімнен бір сұлу сарай ” in the framework of the republican youth festival “Iliyas Alemі”, Taldykorgan.
  • A participant in a youth festival among students under the name “Iliyas Alemi” at Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurova, Taldykorgan, March 2018
  1. Eshmukamet Ұlpan, Sagieva Symbat
  • Participants of the XX interuniversity scientific conference “ Ғылым және жаңа ұрпақ - 2018”, organized by the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute, Astana, April 12, 2018
  1. Makatova Ayagoz
  • 2018 - holder of the certificate of completion of the training program for the component “School of Young Entrepreneurs”, organized by the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken” within the framework of the unified business support and development program “Business Road Map 2020”.

Training of teachers of the Russian language and literature

Research groups are working:

“Russian-Kazakh literary relations” - Team Leader: Pchelkina TR, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Ph.D. Number of students involved: 18 (1-4 courses).

“Linguistic picture of the world as a component of linguistic pragmatics” - Team Leader: Segizbaeva KK, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Ph.D. Number of students involved: 7 (1-4 courses).

Teachers of the department: Pchelkina TR, Ph.D.; Segizbaeva K.K., Ph.D.; Konvisarova L.A., Master of Education, are members of the Slavic Intercultural Research Group.

In 2015, 2 articles were published in publications with a non-zero impact factor.

In 2019, Pchelkina T.R. published an article with impact factor “The pupils’ civic stance under the conditions of establishment of a society ”, (Web of Science (WoS), Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters)), based on Scopus, Elsevier.

In the framework of the week of the Department of Russian Language and Literature in 2018, the following workshops were held: “Intensification of the educational process in the conditions of renewed education” (Arsaeva SB, Konvisarova L.A.); “Features of the organization of scientific research at school” (Pchelkina TR); The cooperation of the school and the university in the conditions of updating the education system (Pchelkina T.R., Isina D.A., Arsaeva S.B.).

December 12, 2018 Karbenova Z.U., Evdokimova O.N. took part in the online conference "Modernization of public consciousness and the preservation of the national code in the context of “Mangilik el”. Theme of the report: "The activities of the ANK department to strengthen social harmony and national unity among students".

On April 25, 2019, the department held a scientific and practical conference "The role of philological science in the modernization of public consciousness" with the invitation of university teachers, teachers and students of city schools.

In April 2019, Savicheva E.Yu., teacher of Russian language and literature, SBEI secondary school No. 684 “Bereginya”, St. Petersburg, Russia, held a master class “Unconventional literature lessons” for students of the specialty and teachers of the department of Russian language and literature.

Student participation in competitions and conferences

In 2015, our students received 3 team places at the Republican Olympiad in Russian language and literature. Student Tokmurzina A. in the individual standings won 3rd place. This is the result of the fruitful work of the teachers involved in their training (Zharkova V.I., Pchelkina T.R., Segizbaeva K.K., Mustakimova G.V.).

In 2015, student Bondar E. won the Republican competition of scientific projects of students. The work was carried out under the guidance of senior lecturer Mustakimova G.V. and was the result of many years of cooperation between a teacher and a student, and then a student, Bondar E.

In 2015, student Zhukova E. became a laureate of the International Student Forum in Moscow. She prepared an article on the problem of tolerance in Russian literature. The work was carried out under the guidance of an associate professor, Ph.D. Pchelkina T.R.

In 2016, under the guidance of a professor at the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Karbenova Z.U. prepared a participant in the regional scientific-practical conference "The Great Son of the Great People" dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Ch. Valikhanov, conducted by the public association "Scientific and Educational Center" Perspective". The student received a diploma for the depth and richness of the report.

In February 2016, two works were prepared for participation in the annual republican competition for the best student work: student N. Grigoryeva “The problem of gender tolerance in Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan” (3rd place, scientific adviser T.R. Pchelkina) and student Formanyuk E. “The poetics of dreams in the work of I.S.Turgenev ”(2nd place, scientific adviser Zharkova V.I.).

On April 12, 2016, Zyuzina A. (scientific adviser T.R. Pchelkina) was awarded with a certificate and diploma for participation and successful presentation at the VI final scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists. The conference was held on the basis of the Kostanai branch of FSBEI HPE "ChelSU".

Also in the piggy bank there is a laureate diploma for the best scientific work in the conference "Youth Scientific Forum: Humanities", the first place in the student competition held by the Academy of Education, the student innovative project "Linguistic and Ecological Space in the Speech of Students", our students are members of the International Slavic Intercultural research group.

According to the results of the work of the problem group “The linguistic picture of the world as a component of linguistic pragmatics” (n. R. Segizbaeva KK), E. Pomortseva’s study “Features of the interpretation of the concept of“ space ”in G. Belger’s novel“ Tuyuk su ”was recommended for participation in the Republican competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions.

Student Agunkina T. took part in the Republican annual competition of scientific research works of students in natural, technical, social, humanitarian and economic sciences at universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the VIII international competition of student works (the student took 1st place). Scientific adviser Segizbaeva S.S.

Students Kolykhanova Yu.S., Stukova A.S., Mirnaya A.S. Russian Language and Literature directions prepared a student innovative project “Linguoecological Space in Students' Speech”, which took part in the 2017 National Innovation Competition “The Best Innovative Project among Students”, under the supervision of the chair's teacher O. V. Koval.

In 2018, with 1st year students A.V. Tremasova, E.A.Dyomina, A.S. Shvetsov, A.V. Kurpilyanskaya A student information project “You Are Not Alone” was prepared, which took part in the National Business Project Competition “StartupBolashak - Menin Armanym”, under the scientific supervision of teachers of the department L. A. Convisarova and O. V. Koval.

In April 2018, students Rakhimzhanova D., Konovalova K.V., Aleksanova A., Kabulova A., Nurilla A. took part in the international conference “Actual problems of modern humanitarian knowledge; students Grigoryeva N., Meng N., Kolykhanova Yu.S., Rakhimzhanova D., Stukova A.S., Izgalieva A.A., Bondar E., Nasipkalieva A.M., Shtepa Y., participated in the Interuniversity Student Scientific -practical conference "Priorities of modern science and education" in the framework of the program of modernization of public consciousness "Rukhani Zhangyru."

In 2018, Grigoryeva N., a 4th year student, took part in the VIII international competition of student works (Russia, Chelyabinsk) and took 1st place.

In 2019, under the leadership of Segizbaeva K.K. According to the results of the Republican contest of research works, a 4th year student of the specialty “Russian Language and Literature” Stadnik Kristina took third place. The topic of the scientific work is “Estimated Nouns with the Meaning of a Face”. The study of K. Stadnik was carried out in a linguistic-cultural aspect, the object of the description of which is assessment vocabulary as an integrated unit of language and culture, a unit of the linguistic picture of the world, reflecting the specifics of the national worldview.

For excellent study and conscientious attitude to their academic duties, 4th year students of the specialty “Russian Language and Literature” Yu. Kolykhanova, M. Dzhapasheva awarded the Presidential Scholarship.

Along with academic excellence, some students have achievements in other areas. So, Shvetsov Alexander received the 3rd category in climbing.

 Training of foreign language teachers

Student participation in competitions and conferences

  • Every year, 3-4 year students take part in student scientific and practical conferences.
  • Articles are published in the scientific and methodological journal "Bulletin of the KSPI"
  • On October 24, 2019, students of 2-4 courses studying German as a second participated in testing for a DAAD scholarship.
  • Amirgaliev A., 3rd year student, together with the supervisor of studies Kinzhibaeva A.S. took part in the StartUp project competition.

The most important scientific achievements of teachers

  • Ismagulova G.K. received the title of professor of the Higher Attestation Commission, as well as the title of "Best Teacher of the Year."
  • Zhakebaeva M.G. received the French Order of the Academic Palm Branch in 2017.
  • Bezhina V.V. received the title of "Best University Teacher" in 2018.

Contact us

110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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