Ibraeva Rakhima

- + Department of the Theory and practice of physical culture and sport
- + Position: associate Professor
- + Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Ibraeva Rakhima Zhaudanova - candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, associate Professor, excellent education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Master of sports of Kazakhstan., coach of the highest category, judge of the national category.
Ibraeva R. Zh. born in 1953, nationality-Kazakh, education-higher, married.
Ibraeva R. Zh. in 1970 graduated from the Redkin high school of the Kurgan region. From 1972 to 1976 she studied at Kostanay pedagogical Institute. After graduating from this University, she was sent as a teacher of physical culture to the Mayak school of Uritsky district and worked until 1983. During this time, brought this school to the leaders in sports. The school ranked first in athletics, basketball, and cross-country skiing in the district and in the area.
In 1978 was elected the teacher's Komsomol organization of the school Mayakskoe. She was one of the best Komsomol district. On may 14, 1982 she was awarded diplomas of the Ministry of education of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Komsomol.
For active participation in the education of the younger generation and good work with young people Rakhima Zhaudanovna was encouraged by the Komsomol ticket to the summer Olympics in Moscow in 1980.
On June 17, 1981 she was awarded the medal "For labor valor" by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
For special merits in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ibraeva R. Zh. was awarded on June 9, 1993 the breastplate "Excellent student of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
From 1993 to 2000 she worked in Shcherbakovskaya school of Altynsarin district of Kostanay region. For several years she was elected Chairman of the trade Union organization in teachers 'collectives and was recognized in 2000 as" the Best trade Union leader of the region".
From September 1, 2001 to 2015 Ibraeva R.Zh. worked as the Director of the sports complex in Kostanay engineering and economic University. M. Dulatova.
The decision of Committee on control in education and science Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 20 October 2008 Zhaudanova Rahima Ibrayeva was awarded the academic title of associate Professor on specialty "pedagogy".
Over the years, Ibraeva R. Zh. has prepared a Master of sports of International class Posovets U. and two Masters of sports of Kazakhstan ' is Adushkin A. and Popova T. in summer polyathlon. KMS athletics: Skibicki K., Artemov, D., Segizbaev J., Zharkov M., Vasilyeva M. His pedagogical work Ibrayeva R. J. combines with the scientific and methodical work. Scientific and methodical works and articles published by her in periodicals, materials of scientific and practical conferences and collections of scientific works, prepared and published textbooks and guidelines for classes. In 2005 she graduated from the Department of theoretical foundations of physical culture of Chelyabinsk state pedagogical University.
The decision of the dissertation Council of the Ural state University of physical culture of December 11, 2009. R.Zh.Ibrayeva was awarded the academic degree of candidate of pedagogical Sciences. Ibrayeva, R. Zh. for many years of fruitful work of educating College students and training of athletes to the national team team of Kazakhstan on 20 October 2006 awarded a commemorative sign of the National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture of MES RK.
From 2015 to the present time Ibraeva R. Zh. works in Kostanay state pedagogical University. U. Sultangazina.