Number of cabinet 826
Area 51,0  sq.m
Date of organization of cabinet 1980 year

Laboratory 826 provides laboratory and practical classes on the theoretical foundations of organic chemistry (specialty 6B01504-Chemistry), chemistry of functional derivatives of organic molecules (specialty 6B01504-Chemistry), as well as laboratory work on Phytochemistry.

Number of cabinet 821
Area 49,4  sq.m
Date of organization of cabinet 1980 year

The laboratory provides laboratory and practical training in chemical technology. Oil distillation. Electrolysis. Obtaining products of dry distillation of wood, Technological and technical and economic indicators. The most important technological concepts and definitions. Natural resource. Methods of extraction, processing methods, areas of use of products in the chemical industry.


Number of cabinet 817
Area 65,5 sq.m
Date of organization of cabinet 1980 year

The laboratory provides laboratory and practical classes in biochemistry (specialty 5B011300-Biology, 6B01504-Chemistry), biochemistry of Fkis (specialty 5B010800 – Physical culture and sports), food analysis (specialty 6B01504-Chemistry), chemistry of high-molecular compounds (specialty 6B01504-Chemistry). The workshops on these subjects include experimental work on the qualitative and quantitative determination of natural compounds. The work plan includes studying the chemical composition of living organisms, conducting reactions to detect proteins, carbohydrates and their derivatives, lipids, mineral compounds, and studying the properties of enzymes. Experimental determination of the composition of food products is carried out.

Number of cabinet 815
Area 50,8 sq.m
Date of organization of cabinet 1980 year

Workshops have been conducted on the physical, colloidal, and computational chemistry:

  1. Laboratory workshop on physical chemistry;
  2. A laboratory course in colloid chemistry;
  3. Laboratory workshop on computer chemistry;
  4. Laboratory workshop on physical methods of chemical research.
Number of cabinet 809
Area 49,3 sq.m
Date of organization of cabinet 1980 year

The laboratory conducts laboratory and practical classes in General and inorganic chemistry, chemistry of elements of the periodic table. Workshop on the biochemistry of physical culture specialty 5B010800 – Physical culture and sport).

Number of cabinet 808
Area 14,8 sq.m
Date of organization of cabinet 1980 year

 The laboratory conducts research work of students, term papers and theses. Analysis of environmental objects:

  • analysis of air and soil;
  • phytochemical evaluation of medicinal plants;
  • analysis of food products;
  • analysis of water resources in Kostanay region.
Number of cabinet 806
Area 48,3 sq.m
Date of organization of cabinet 1980 year

The laboratory conducts:

  • demonstration experiments, laboratory and practical classes in the chemistry training system;
  • study of the features of laboratory work and practical classes in chemistry in high school. Safety. Methods of conducting laboratory experiments and practical classes provided for in the school chemistry course program;
  • demonstration experiments provided for in the school chemistry course program. The main requirements for devices and installations used in the demonstration of chemical experiments: tightness, compactness and visibility.
Number of cabinet 804
Area 67,7 sq.m
Date of organization of cabinet 1980 year

Eight hundred four Analytical chemistry laboratory The laboratory conducts laboratory and practical classes in analytical chemistry (extensive workshop on qualitative and quantitative analysis) specialty 6B01504-Chemistry. The laboratory is adjacent to the preparation room, as a necessary element of analytical research.

Kazakh national jewelry is not just jewelry. This is a significant part of the national culture and history, the roots of which are lost in the depths of centuries. The main direction of jewelry art of Kazakh jewelers - women's jewelry. Their popularity is associated not only with the love of women to jewelry, but with national customs and rituals. This can be seen in the choice of materials, shapes and patterns of products – they all carry a certain meaning, realizing not only decorative, but also, first of all, sacred, magical, protective function.

Silver set " Raigul"

That is why from birth to death Kazakhs wore certain types of jewelry, Kazakh jewelry could tell about his mistress almost everything: married or not, what is her age, where she came from, whether her family is rich.

The first decoration in the form of various amulets were worn on the girl as an infant, various talismans, amulets, and was attached to the leg or the hand, were sewn on the cap (TIA) or hung above the headboard.

Girlish charm (born in the cradle and wore until marriage)

And little girls already wore their first jewelry: earrings and bracelets of laconic design. The times were hard, war, raids, the years of relative plenty were followed by the hungry years, and the most vulnerable, the weak were children, so to protect your child from evil eyes, from diseases, to ensure that the child survived – the Kazakhs were employed amulets (Tumar).

Tumar with generic signs and coat of arms

Increased and their number (in wealthy families, daughters had a set of silver whose weight was over 3 kg), reaching a climax in the wedding: the most luxurious and rich were exactly jewelry sets bridesmaid.

Kazakh women decorated their hands with bracelets (blezik), sometimes numerous bracelets and rings almost completely covered the girl's hands.

After getting married, the woman again changed her jewelry to simpler.

Traditional Kazakh jewelry was made of silver and gold. Widely used in their work master jewelers and gems (Jasper, chalcedony, amethyst, turquoise, carnelian, coral, crystal), and precious stones (Topaz, pearls, rubies).

These ornamental precious and semi-precious stones had to protect their owner from disease, evil, trouble, black envy.

Inserts of stones often called Koz (eye, eye) – all-seeing all-powerful eye, giving strength, support and protection. Stones have a miraculous power.

  • turquoise brings happiness,
  • amber-heals many diseases, protects from trouble,
  • coral – protects from damage and hex…

Among all the precious stones popular has been carnelian, which was considered the stone, bringing prosperity and joy. Nomads believed that carnelian "Sunstone" will protect women from the evil eye, spoilage, infertility, and the elderly and weakened people will return strength. Popular carnelian and now. Jewelers bought jewelry in the Kazakh national style: rings, rings, bracelets, earrings, pendants with inserts of carnelian.

Kazakh national jewelry is still popular today. Them, as before, is distinguished by the massiveness and solemnity: breast ornaments reaching almost to the waist, the rings covered the most part of hands. But, despite this, jewelry is not perceived as bulky: large geometric shapes, which are the basis of products, offset by organic decoration and decoration.

A special place among women's jewelry is a ring (GSK). Since ancient times, they attributed magical properties: it was believed that the rings and rings have miraculous powers and protect against evil spirits. Therefore, two, three, or even four rings on the hands of Kazakh women was an everyday "norm" (Tama Adal Bolu ushin Olid kumis GSK Bolu Kerek).

Rings, rings, pendants (Alka), bracelets, as a rule, were decorated with a symbolic decor, which included wishes of happiness, bright life, freedom, good.

Double-sided pendant

Sign rings

For example, a massive ring "di GSC" – "ring Swati", symbolizing the unity of two families, two principles. This ring consists of two headbands (Shanyrak), and wear it on two fingers, which meant the Union of two hearts, two matchmakers become friends, one heart of the mother, connected by the hearth of the newlyweds.

Chudai jusk gave the mother-in-law of his daughter, when he ascertained that she was good to her daughter.

Men also wore rings. So, the dzhigits, who were going to war, were given Kus tumsyk-so that he returned home alive and healthy.

Male ring of the genus "Dulat"


In addition to the rings, the hands of Kazakh women have traditionally adorned bracelets – Blesk. They are usually worn alone or in pairs (on both hands). Sometimes on hands put on also a pair on both hands, sometimes put on and on two bracelets on hands. The bracelets were solid and composite: consisting of 2-3 parts pivotally United way - topsale Blesk or with wings - AAC Blesk.

Luxury Blesk

Blezik (bracelet) was made of gold or silver, and richly decorated. Jewelers (zergers) made inserts of precious and semiprecious stones, through carving, embossed embossing, harmonious ornament decorated the product.

Set "Shaprashty"

Now, Kazakh jewelers make bracelets, also of gold and silver, decorating with the same patterns, sometimes adding modern trends of jewelry production: for example, combining yellow and white gold, making inserts of zirconium and diamonds.

The devil bless

If we talk about bracelets, it is impossible not to mention the famous headset bracelet-Demon blezik, which was previously worn by virtually all Kazakhs. He was known in Europe and called "rose hands." This women's decoration carried in addition to the aesthetic function and a great meaning. On this decoration it was possible to know the genus to which the girl belongs, status (married or not), age.

Рair topsals Blaise, earrings, pendant

Since ancient times, the strongest talisman was considered among the Kazakhs and earrings. Kazakh women wore them constantly-from early childhood. Varieties of earrings-a great many:

  • tmare Sara – triangle-earrings-charms,
  • carals of cheese-blackened,
  • combest – domed,
  • so you cheese-pointed earrings,
  • as well as earrings in the shape of the moon, bell, with pendants, with stones, etc.

But the most popular and enjoyed filigree earrings. The elegance of openwork pattern, pendants, bells, wire fringe-all this testifies to the highest skill and professionalism of the master jeweler.

Noteworthy and breast ornaments-amulets: triangular tumarsha, boy TUMAR (in the form of a hollow tube with pendants), Alka, onirzhiek. Inside this amulet invested charms: eagle owl feathers, extracts from the Koran, a bundle of camel hair or sheep. And oniric was worn by married women and nursing mothers to protect their milk from the evil eye.

Gift Tamga

Information and photo taken from source

The ancient miners had developed oxidized ores (malachite, azurite, kasiterit) with rich content of copper and tin. Developed the ore-bearing veins, loose ore was mined "calowanie", with chisels and hammers of stone. Tight-used method of "fire penetration", in which the surface of the core, or in the pit, made the fire, and when the rock is heated, watered it with water, causing the crack, and then worked with hammers and Kyle. The rock containing metal was pulled to the surface in leather bags. Also used under the excavation of the ore body, after which hammers beat off pieces of overhanging blocks of ore. For sinking of deep shafts used wooden supports. Near the mine near the water, the mined ore was crushed and washed, separating it from the waste rock. The fine-grained ore was carried to settlements where it was melted in special melting furnaces, the remains of which were found during the excavations of settlements on Atasu, Suuk-Bulak, near the village of Kanai.

Ore smelting

For ore melting charcoal was used, quartz and ochre served as flux(to reduce temperature and facilitate separation of metal from waste rock). Copper and tin ore was smelted separately, and later when casting an object, the necessary amount of tin was added to copper. In order to melt iron, the ancient metallurgists began to use the method of raw blowing. The melting process looked like this: at first, the furnace was made of stone, which was alternately loaded with layers of charcoal and iron ore. Then the furnace was tightly clogged and covered with clay, and then with the help of bellows the hot air was pumped into the furnace. The temperature in the furnace rose to about 1200° C, the iron is not melted entirely, but cleared of oxygen. Then the oven broke and was out of the bloom of porous iron product from which it can later forge any of the products.

Manufacture of weapons

Copper and brass in the base were used for the manufacture of scabbards, and iron and Bulat were the main materials for blades. Bulat steel in Kazakh "Almas" (there were 2 grades - red and white) was used for blades, sabers, swords, spearheads, peak. Lead and tin were used to secure the handles of the knife, sabers to the handle of the blade, for soldering metal elements.

A common weapon was the curve saber "Almas Kylysh". It was made of damask steel, handle and hilt were decorated with precious stones. To the cutting arms beyond the "Kalys" includes straight sword – "Semser", Kazakh saber – "Sapa".

The primary missile weapon was the bow and arrow. The battle bow was made of several parts made of different materials: wood, bone, horn, birch bark, tendons and leather. Arrowheads had a different shape: tetrahedral, which could penetrate any shield and wooden cylindrical, used to knock a man off his horse. The quiver for carrying arrows was called "koramsak", a separate case for the bow – "Sadak". This term designated the entire set with naluch, quiver and sword belt for wearing them. The bow was assembled from several parts made of wood, bone, horn, birch bark, tendons and leather.

Weapons were used - Yalta. This axe with a sharp blade resembling a Crescent moon, and obuh, she had a long wooden handle. The blade was of medium width, however, were the weapons with modified blade.

The Kazakhs had two types of stabbing weapons: "Nayza" - a spear with a wide tip and" sung " - a long peak with a thin tip, designed to defeat the enemy in armor. The tips of the spears were indented, the cross-section is often diamond-shaped.

Mace "shokpar", made of a single piece of wood in the form of a heavy club with a head, shackled with metal or studded with pointed spikes. Mace "shokpar", made of a single piece of wood in the form of a heavy club with a head, shackled with metal or studded with pointed spikes.

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