Head of the department

Байдалы Рауан Жомартұлы

Baidaly Rauan

doktor PhD


History of Kazakhstan studied in Kostanay pedagogical Institute in the Soviet times. In KPI teaching a small course was taught by historians, patriots, Galihan Dzhanturin and Kenjekey Taskuzhina. You may recall a phrase of Galihan Dzhanturina: "the time will Come and the history of Kazakhstan will study in all educational institutions".

The Department of History of Kazakhstan was founded in Kostanay state University as the chair of the History and culture of Kazakhstan in 1990. The first head of the Department was candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor Malik Augan.

In September 1994, was formed by the Department of history of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay agricultural Institute, headed by doctor of historical Sciences, Professor A. Kuzembayuly. At the Department worked Professor G.K. Zadorozhny, associate Professor, Mukhametov F., and others. In connection with the merger of the Institute of Kostanay state University in 1999, the same Department merged.

In relation to the allocation of part of the University pedagogical Institute in 2004 established the Department of history of Kazakhstan. Head of the Department was appointed doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Amanzhol Kuzembayuly. In 2005-2009 head of the Department was Attended by the candidate of historical Sciences Shahaman Z.B.

In 2009-2012 head of the Department was doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Amanzhol Kuzembayuly. In 2012-2017 the head of the Department was candidate of historical Sciences Nauryzbaeva E.K. currently, the Department is headed by Attended by the candidate of historical Sciences, Professor Bekmagambetova M.Zh.

At different times worked at the Department doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Z. Aldamzhar, G.K. Zadorozhny, A. Kuzembayuly, candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor K.Taskuzhina, K.Dutbayev, F.Mukhamedov, A.Mukhtar, N.Zhumabayev L.Mukatayeva, S.Koldybaeva, U.Zhanataeva, A. Taskuzhina, A.Aitmukhametov, Z.Shahaman, E.Abil, U.Akhmetova, M.Bekmagambetova, L.Ordabayeva, G.Asanova, E.Yarockina.

The Department trains highly qualified personnel, historians, and also provides the teaching of history of Kazakhstan on the non-historical specialties.

Graduates of the specialty "History" are competitive professionals are employed in schools, post-secondary educational institutions, research laboratories, museums and archives, in the public service.

Educational-methodical work of the department

The Department of history of Kazakhstan provides the study of modern history in the first year of all specialties of the Institute.

The Department has all the necessary educational-methodical documentation on all forms of learning: state educational standards, model curricula, working curricula, model, working programs on disciplines, work programs (syllabus) in all disciplines. Working curriculum on the specialty "History" prepared in accordance with the model curricula include disciplines of an obligatory component and a discipline component of choice and content, conform to the requirements of the State obligatory standard of education. The trajectory of student learning is built systematically and logically.

The Department within the framework of professional orientation work, the organization of the following types of practices:

  • archaeological and ethnographic conducted in the field, out on site or in the locality;
  • archival-Museum - passes by reference to the funds of archives and museums;
  • teaching is done in schools of Kostanay region.
Археологическая практика

Archaeological practice, settlement of Botay

The Department of history of Kazakhstan secured 4 nominal auditorium dedicated to people who made a huge contribution to the development of national historical science: academician M.K.Kozybaev, G.Dzhanturin, K.Taskuzhina, S.Baimagambetov..

The research activities of the department

The teaching staff of the Department successfully engaged in research work. Developing an integrated subject "Ethnopolitical, socio-economic history of the population of North-Western Kazakhstan", performed contractual theme "Historical toponymy of Kostanay region" on behalf of akimat Kostanai region, and "local Historical studies in Kostanay region.

In the new 2017-2018 academic year teachers of chair of history of Kazakhstan have prepared several research projects on the competition of MES RK "Grant financing of scientific researches":

«General problems of the theory and methodology of history of Kazakhstan» - A. Kuzembayuly, Erisheva T.A., Nurpeisova E.T., Zhussupova G.A.

«The study and reconstruction of the socio-economic and ideological contexts at Botay settlement» - Zaibert V.F., Taskuzhina A.B., Abilmalikov K.K.

«Cultural heritage, Tobola-Turgai region: history and sacred geography (XVIII-XX centuries)» - Abil E. A., Nauryzbaeva E.K., Shahaman Z.B., Bekmagambetova M.Zh., Abilmalikov K.K., Yelkey N.N.

«Conceptual rethinking of the colonial policy of the Russian Empire in North-Western Kazakhstan» - Nauryzbaeva E.K., Taskuzhina A.B., Isenov U.I., Abilmalikov K.K., Yelkey N.N.    

The Department of history of Kazakhstan is the initiator of many research projects and scientific-theoretical conferences.

Teachers of the Department is actively present papers at international, national and regional conferences, seminars. Publish in scientific journals joint articles with students and in the databases Scopus and WoS.

Educational work and student life

Teachers of the Department use the capabilities of their disciplines in the education of the Kazakhstan patriotism, formation of active life position of students. Many teachers, graduate and undergraduate students actively participate in the public life of the Institute, city, region and Republic. Deliver lectures to the people, by the regional radio and television on pages of regional and national Newspapers on topical issues of Kazakhstan's history and contemporary politics.

The students of the specialty "History" participate in College and faculty activities.

The Department liaises with the schools of the city of Kostanay and the region. Teachers participate in various events, conferences, competitions as a jury in the city's schools, lyceums and gymnasiums.


The achievements of our teachers

  • 2014 – doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Abil E. according to the decision of colleagues of the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan received the title of "Best University teacher – 2014".
  • 2014 – candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor in the Department of history of Kazakhstan Isenov U.I. according to the decision of colleagues of the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan received the title of "Best University teacher – 2014".
  • 2015 - doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Amanzhol Kuzembayuly by the decision of the colleagues of the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan received the title of "Best University teacher – 2015".
  • 2015 - candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor in the Department of history of Kazakhstan Balgabaeva G.Z. according to the decision of colleagues of the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan received the title of "Best University teacher – 2015".
  • 2016 - candidate of historical Sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of history of Kazakhstan Nauryzbayeva E.K. according to the decision of colleagues of the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan received the title of "Best teacher of the University in 2016."

24 Dec 2016 hall of Kostanay regional Philharmonic. E. Umirzakov TV channel Kazakhstan-Kostanay jointly with the Department of culture of Kostanay region organized an event "Television person of the year 2016". The purpose of this event is rewarding people who took an active part in explaining the historical and cultural events through local television. In the framework of the project for their active participation in the cultural and historical programs of the TV channel and the interview given to the local population candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor in the Department of history of Kazakhstan Isenov U.I. was awarded the title "Television man of the year 2016".

31 March 2017 in the regional Philharmonic society of a name of E.Umurzakova hosted the 17th ceremony of awarding the "Kazyna" and "Shabyt" club Patrons Kostanai region. The awards were presented to 34 representatives of culture, education, agriculture, science, journalism. The faculty and the Dean of the faculty of history and arts congratulates award for club patrons "Kazyna" in the amount of 1 million tenge in the categories "Cultural heritage" - the doctor of historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of history of Kazakhstan Amanzhol Kuzembayuly.  

А. Күзембайұлы стал обладателем премии клуба меценатов «Казына»

Head of the department

Сапиева Майра Саимовна

Sapiyeva Maira

Candidate of pedagogical sciences


Art of the department was taught in 2010, in the result of which 2 departments - "Musical Instruments", "Theory and Theory of Art".

Department of Art of Future Pedagogues on Future Teaching Software (OP):

6B01402 Music education

  • Education area code and classification: 6B01 Pedagogical Sciences
  • Code and classification of training areas: 6B014 Training of teachers with subject specialization of General development
  • Group of educational programs: B006 Music Teacher Training

6B01403 Visual art, artwork, graphics and design

  • Education area code and classification: 6b01 Pedagogical Sciences
  • Code and classification of training areas: 6B014 Training of teachers with subject specialization of General development
  • Group of educational programs: B007 Training of teachers of art work and drawing

6B01403 Fine arts and drawing

  • Education area code and classification: 6B01 Pedagogical Sciences
  • Code and classification of training areas: 6B014 training of teachers with subject specialization of General development
  • Group of educational programs: B007 Training of teachers of art work and drawing

Teaching staff of the department

Today, the Department employs 14 specialists: candidates of pedagogical Sciences, member of Union of artists of Kazakhstan, member of the Union of young artists of Kazakhstan, master of pedagogy and psychology, winners of the Regional club Patrons of the competition «5 new faces», and also winners and winners of the creative competitions: «Kazyna», «International music competition in Russia», «International competition of Culture, Art, Creativity», «International competition of Turkic songs», «The international competition. Sh. Kaldayakova», Republican contest «Musical souvenir», «International Assembly of arts «Talents of the XXI century».

The main scientific direction of the department

During 2015-2017 The faculty of the department carried out a scientific research on the topic “Academic instrumental music of the composers of Kazakhstan at the turn of the XX – XXI centuries. (1980 - 2014 gg.) "Implemented in the framework of grant financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The department carries out research in 2 areas: "Musical heritage of Kostanay region: history, culture, education", "Creativity of Kostanay artists in the aspect of the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan."

Graduates of the specialty “Music education”, “Fine arts and drawing” work in general educational institutions (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, etc.); pedagogical colleges, children's music and art schools, art schools, studios, circles of the system of additional education, preschool institutions of all types, advertising agencies and other institutions (according to the received specialization).

Number of cabinet 710
Area 49,3 sq.m
Date of organization of cabinet 2004 year

The laboratory is used to study the anatomy and morphology of plants, systematics of lower and higher plants by keeping an electronic diary of observation, working with binoculars and photo attachments that allow you to photograph and make videos of observed microscopic objects.

The resulting material is used for educational and research work. The laboratory provides training sessions in the disciplines of the Botanical cycle, and conducts scientific research. Here, students determine the mechanical and chemical composition of soil samples, dry and process the herbarium, identify plants collected on field trips during field practice and as a result of individual research projects.

Head of the department

Utegenova Bibikul Mazanovna

Kaliev Dastan

Master of Education

e-mail: ,

Department of Pedagogics, being the leading structural division of teacher training institute, carries out various educational, scientific and methodical functions and pedagogical maintenance of a number of innovative processes in higher education institution. Scientifically – pedagogical and methodical capacity of department allows achieving positive results and prospects of self-improvement.

Scientific and methodical subject of department is "Improvement of Psychological-Pedagogical Training of the Teacher of a New Formation" which is reflected in individual plans of work of the faculty of department.

Under the leadership of the chair manager of pedagogics, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Utegenova B. M., teachers take part in all programs which are related to the 12-year system in the Republic of Kazakhstan, closely connect with Department of education, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, area and city schools.

In general, according to the participants' opinion, the issues covered in the workshop are productive. Total online seminar was attended by 60 schools of Kostanay region. Teachers of the department are working on the realization of the State program of modernization of Modern Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, carry out activities in interaction with region schools, Department of education, professional lyceums and colleges. Dayker A.F. implements scientific management and the management of advisory council of Physichic-Mathematic Lyceum of Kostanay.Annually the department organizes the scientific and student's conference "Pedagogical Science by Student's viewpoint".

Material maintenance of the department allows scientific and methodological work at the appropriate level. The department has methodical office with a book collection of over three thousand copies of the educational and scientific-methodical literature, scientific periodicals, 15 computers, six laptops and three multimedia complexes.


Abai Kunanbaev

The Head of Department

Ли Елена Дмитриевна

Li Elena

Candidate of pedagogical sciences


The State Education Development Programme of the Republic of Kazakhstan developed for 2011-2020 years states the following as priority tasks in pre-school education:

  • expansion of pre-school organizations network;
  • renewal of the pre-school education content;
  • pre-school education organizations provision with personnel

A great number of state pre-school educational grants is allocated with the aim to address the tasks set by the Ministry of Education and Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Department of primary and preschool education conducts the training of specialists by professions:

  • 5В010100 «Pre-School Teaching аnd Education»
  • 5В010200 «Pedagogics and Methods of Primary Education»
The Department staff regularly raises scientific and pedagogical qualification, pre-pares teaching and methodical materials, scientific monographs, regularly takes part in international and republic conferences.

Teachers of the Department actively participate in regional and city events. They are jurors of regional scientific and practical conferences of pupils, regional and city subject olympiads, intellectual games, etc.

Городская предметная олимпиада младших школьников
City subject olympiad of schoolchildren

Teachers of the Department successfully contact with regional educational institu-tions: reviewing of textbooks, training and methodical manuals of schoolteachers, rendering of scientific and methodic help to specialists of correctional establishments, cooperation with Institute of professional development and retraining of educators of Kostanai region, Education Department of Kostanai region.


Cooperation of students of the chair specialities with city and region schools

Head of the department

Лиходедова Людмила Николаевна

Likhodedova Lyudmila

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor


The Department of psychology was opened in October 1977 in the walls of Kostanay pedagogical Institute. 50 years of the USSR.Since 2016 it has been reorganized in the Department of psychology and defectology.

The creation of the Department of psychology and defectology was caused by the need for in-depth professionalism of the educational process and specialization of the teaching staff. Currently, the Department of psychology and defectology provides psychological and pedagogical training of students of psychologists, defectologists and future teachers to professional activities, equips with psychological knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the requirements of the qualification characteristics.

Teachers and staff of the Department constantly improve scientific and methodological skills, carry out multilateral relations with other universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS.

Department of psychology and defectology for many years maintains creative ties with a number of regional, national, Russian scientific institutions and universities: Kazakh national pedagogical University. Abay, Moscow state University. M. Lomonosov, South Ural state University (Chelyabinsk), South Ural state University of Humanities and education (Chelyabinsk), Novosibirsk state pedagogical University.

At the Department of psychology and defectology there are 6 scientific problem groups, a research laboratory "Psychology of developing personality" was created, which United in the scientific search of teachers and students, scientific and practical conferences are held annually with the participation of practical psychologists, social workers and specialists of the Institute of valeology, every year students take part in subject competitions in the field of psychology and defectology.

At the disposal of the students of the Department of psychology and defectology are equipped classrooms, methodical study, where modern special literature, computer psychodiagnostics room, practical psychology room, self-knowledge room, defectology room, practical speech therapy room.

Кафедра психологии

The social-psychological training in the office of practical psychology.

Занятия по самопознанию

The teachers of the psychology chair are the participants of the republican experiment in the field of “Self-knowledge” subject introduction in a higher school.

Кабинет психологической разгрузки

The chair is provided with the existing computer psycho-diagnostics library. Counseling is performed by the experienced staff of the chair of Psychology.

Кафедра психологии

Students working with automated psycho-diagnostic techniques created by “Imaton” firm

Head of the Department


Baubekova Gauhar

Master of pedagogical education


History of the Department of Natural Sciences

In 1939, the department has renamed the Department of Natural Sciences and Geography. Grinder M. D was its first head. In the 1940-41 academic year, the department was headed by KP Stashevsky, and in the post-war period, M. P. Kahn. In 1958, the department has renamed the Department of Biology. At this time, the department was headed by the candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor Artyushenko O. G.

60-70th year of the twentieth century. the period of formation of two departments of biological profile. 1968 - Department of Zoology and Physiology of Man and Animals, Head of the Department, Ph.D., Associate Professor V.P. Ershov and the Department of Botany, 1975, Ph.D. n Pugachev P.G. From 1972 to 1977, the department was headed by I.O., candidate of agricultural sciences Masyukova. The Department of Chemistry began to function on September 28, 1968. Head department Kurishko Arkady Mikhailovich (candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor), Sleptsova Lyudmila Maksimovna (senior lecturer), Kudryavtseva N.S. (Ph.D.), I.P. Kuznetsov (K. Kh. N., Associate Professor), Sagimbaev M. Kh. (Senior Lecturer), Utina Zauresh Esmuhanovna (Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor).

80-90s of the XX century. In the early 80s, the department of zoology and physiology of humans and animals was headed by L.Ya. Shevchenko, and the department of botany by N. Ivanov. In the same period, the Department of Fundamentals of Agriculture was created, which is headed by the candidate of agricultural sciences Gabdullin R. G., In 1989. She merges with the Department of Botany, leads the joint department Lalayan N.T., Ph.D., Associate Professor. In the early 90s, the Department of Zoology was headed by N. Gaidenko, Associate Professor, Ph.D., and in the middle (1995-1999) decades - E. Valyaeva In 1992, in connection with the transformation of the Kostanay Pedagogical Institute into Kostanay State University, the Department of Botany was divided into two - the Department of Botany itself - head of N. Lalayan and the Department of Ecology, Plant Physiology and Microbiology - Head Pugachev P.G. In autumn 1999, in connection with the decree of the Ministry, all three departments of biological profile were merged into one department of biology, which was supervised by N. Lalayan.

Ершов Владимир Павлович Масюкова Мария Артемовна Пугачев Павел Григорьевич Гайденко Нина Павловна
Ershov Vladimir
PhD Biological sciences, associate professor Head of Department from 1968 to the 70s.
Masyukova Maria
Candidate of Agricultural sciences, associate professor Head of Department from 1972 to 1977
Pugachev Pavel
Doctor of Biological sciences, professor Head of Department from 1975 to 1984
Gaidenko Nina
PhD Biological sciences, associate professor Head of Department from 1990 to 1995

Modern stage

In February 2004, in connection with the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from Kostanay State University of A. Baitursynova pedagogical specialties were allocated and the KSPI was formed. In 2004, the specialty "Geography" was opened, and in 2008. Department of Biology renamed the Department of Biology and Geography. Headed the department Konysbaev D.T. Ph.D., Associate Professor. During her leadership at the department, they began to prepare masters of biology and geography, and already in 2006, as a part of the teaching staff of the department, newly-minted specialists began their teaching activities. In 2012-2014, the department was headed by Ph.D., associate professor Taurbaeva G.U., 2014-2016, Ph.D., associate professor Konysbaeva D.T., 2016-2017 master of biology, Suyundikova Zh.T. ., 2017-2018, Ph.D., associate professor Ruchkina G.B. From 2011 to the present, the educational programs of the department occupy leading places in the national ratings of specialties of pedagogical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

valyaeva elena Лалаян Нелли Тиграновна Конысбаева Дамиля Торемуратовна Суюндикова Жанар Толеутаевна Ручкина Галия Адгамовна
PhD Biological sciences, Head of Department from 1995 to the 99s
PhD Biological sciences, Head of Department from 1999 to the 2001s
Konysbayeva Damilya
PhD Biological sciences, Head of Department from 2001 to the 2016s
Suyundikova Zhanar
Master of biology, Head of Department from 2016 to the 2017s
PhD Biological sciences, Head of Department from 2017 to the 2018s

Educational and methodical work

Training of teachers in the natural sciences in groups of educational programs:


  • В012 Training of chemistry teachers: 6В01504 Chemistry, 6В01511 Chemistry-Biology
  • В013 Training of biology teachers: 6В01505 Biology, 6В01512 Biology-Chemistry
  • В014 Training of geography teachers: 6В01506 Geography, 6В01513 Geography-Biology, 6В01514 Geography-History


  • M013 Training of chemistry teachers: 7M01503 Chemistry, 7M01504 Chemistry and digitalization
  • M014 Training of Biology Educators: 7M01501 Biology, 7M01502 Information Biology
  • M015 Training of geography teachers: 7M01505 Geography, 7M01506 Social geography

Key classrooms and laboratories

Since 2012, for the first time, the first multilingual groups of the specialty “Biology” were opened at the Department of Biology and Geography; since 2014, “Chemistry”, “Geography” are taught in 3 languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. The department has a program of academic mobility of students and teachers (France, Norway, Great Britain, Portugal, USA, Germany, Slovakia).

The educational process - is represented by educational programs of undergraduate and graduate programs. Students are trained in individual educational programs, participate in academic mobility. The department maintains creative relations with universities in Kazakhstan and Russia, schools and educational institutions. Cooperation agreements were concluded with schools in the city of Kostanay, the Kostanay region and other regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Research work

Since 2004, the Research Center for Ecology and Biology Problems of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute (SIC PEB KGPI) has been operating; the head is Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Bragina T.M. Within the framework of the Center’s scientific activities, studies are carried out on 10 projects, these are international (Germany, Israel, the USA, Norway, etc.), state grants, and regional ones - Bragin EA, Rulyova MM, Bobrenko MA

In 2011, the Museum of Natural History was created (more than 1000 paleontological exhibits), an information portal, “The Paleontological Heritage of Kazakhstan” Perezhogin Yu.V., Borodulina OV, Kurlov SI

In 2014, the Herbarium of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute received the international acronym - KSPI. Director: Perezhogin Yu.V., candidate of biological sciences, associate professor.

In 2016, Suyundikova Zh.T. defended her thesis, specialty 03.03.01 - “Physiology” Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University of the Russian Federation.

The Research Center for the Study of Biodiversity is researching 7 projects - the head of the candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Perezhogin Yu.V. The following faculty members of the department take part in the studies - Borodulina O.V., Konysbaeva D.T., Kurlov S.I. Baimaganbetova K.T., Kozhmukhametova A.S.

"Morphological and psychophysiological characteristics of youth" Suyundikova Zh.T.

Chemical-ecological studies of the environment (Abdykalikova K.A., Zhumagalieva B.M., Tauakelov Ch.A., Ardakova E.A.)

Computer prediction of physicochemical properties and biological activity of chemical compounds (Gubenko M.A., Vazheva N.V.)

The interaction of organic amides with inorganic acids has been studied at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of KazNUim.al-Farabi for several years.

Development of professional standards in the field of “Production of chemicals for the industry”. Development of professional standards. Responsible - Chernyavskaya O.M., Chashkov V.N.

"Social geography of the Kostanay region applied research." Baubekova G.K., Omarova K.I., Koval V.V., Akhmetova E.B.

Agreements on scientific cooperation were concluded: with the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan and the Naurzum OEO; Department of Zoology and Ichthyology, Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi; Kazakhstan Entomological Society.

An international scientific and pedagogical agreement was concluded with the Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg).

14 05 19 guggenberg 1

Educational work

Educational work is aimed at ensuring the integrity of the process of training and education of students, at creating a cultural and educational environment that contributes to the formation of a scientific worldview, spirituality, and morality. Traditionally, at the faculty and department levels, events are planned and held dedicated to public holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Republic Day, Independence Day, Constitution Day. Annually, a curatorial watch discusses the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, events dedicated to the implementation of the program of Rukhani Zhangyru.

At the beginning of the school year, much attention is paid to the question of adapting freshmen, a solemn ruler and curatorial hours devoted to the Day of Knowledge are held for them, a traditional holiday is “Initiation into Students”.

Every year, in October, at the Department of Natural Sciences, the Fifi Club of Nightclubs holds a traditional event for first-year students of the Biology educational program, dedicated to the annual celebration of World Crane Day.

Local Lore Club "Sayakhat" - holds traditional events dedicated to the geography of the Kostanay region.

The staff of the department takes an active part in sports and cultural events.


Educational program Biology

Научные исследования

Scientific research: Study of the biodiversity of the vegetation cover of Northern Kazakhstan, its current state, rational use, and protection; The study of the biodiversity of the wildlife of Northern Kazakhstan and the Kostanay region, its current state, rational use and protection; Study of the flora of the Kostanay region and its analysis; Faunistic and floristic studies of certain regions of Northern Kazakhstan and Kostanay; Comprehensive assessment of the physical development of schoolchildren and students living in urban and rural areas; Monitoring and environmental management of biological resources;

Faculty members participate in international projects, conferences, seminars, video conferences, and scientific internships. In 2019, Bragina T.M., Ruleva M.M., Bobrenko M.A. completed an internship at the Norwegian Center for International Cooperation in Education (SIU).

Traditionally, international scientific-practical conferences “Biological diversity of the Asian steppes” (2007, 2012, 2017) are organized and held, where famous scientists from Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Russia, the United States of America, representing about 50 scientific organizations and institutions, take part.

The research work of students is organized in problem groups - Entomological group at SIC PEB KSPU - leader Bragina T.M .; Ornithological group at SIC PEB KSPU - head Bragin E.A .; Students' environmental education - heads Kubeev M.S., Bobrenko M.A .; Plant biodiversity - heads of Borodulina O.V., Perezhogin Yu.V., Kozhmukhametova A.S .; Morphofunctional and psychophysiological characteristics of schoolchildren and students - Suyundikova Zh.T., Ruchkina G.A .; Plant Physiology - Ruleva M.M., Bozhekenova Zh.T

kspu museum

Educational and methodical work

The teaching staff of OP Biology annually organizes and conducts methodological seminars "Teaching natural sciences in the framework of three language learning" etc., scientific seminars "Innovations in the development of sustainable agricultural practices in a changing climate in the dry steppes of Kazakhstan and south-west Siberia (ReKKS) ”,“ The study of biodiversity of the Kostanay region for 2015 - 2016 ”, etc.

Annually, teachers of educational programs publish educational, teaching aids: Bragin, T.M. “Soil biota and methods for its study”, Borodulina, O.V. “Practical course on the taxonomy of lower plants”, Suyundikova, Zh.K. “Adam Ecology Sons Negatives”, Bragin, E. A. “Course of Lections on Zoogeography”, A.S. Kozhmukhametova, J.T. Sүyіndіkova, Zh.T. Bozhekenova, G.A. Shaimerdenova.- “Histology of Negative”, Bragina, T.M. “Introduction to Entomology. Part 1: External Structure of Insects ”, etc.

Graduates work in general and innovative schools in Kostanay, Kostanay and other regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of Natural Resources of the Akimat of the Kostanay Region, the Department of Land Relations of the Akimat of the city of Kostanay, the Department of Ecology of the Kostanay Region, the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance and other organizations.

Educational program Geography

Scientific research

The study of the biodiversity of the animal world of Kazakhstan and the Kostanay region, its current state, rational use and protection (Bragin EA, Valyaeva EA, Kubeev MS); Studying the theoretical and practical foundations of the restoration of phytocenoses of technogenic landscapes of the Kostanay region (Perezhogin Yu.V., Kozhmukhametova A.S.); .The Social geography of the Kostanay region - applied research (Baubekova G.K., Omarova K.I., Koval V.V.);

Faculty members participate in international, regional projects, conferences, seminars, video conferences, and scientific internships. In 2012, Omarova K.I. completed an internship at the Department of Geography, Geological and Geographical Faculty, Tomsk State University, Russia.

The research work of students is organized in problem groups - The Sayakhat local history club continues the social and physical geography of the Kostanay region (Baubekova G.K., Omarova K.I., Koval V.V., Baimaganbetova K.T. .). Participants of the Sayakhat local history club organize photo exhibitions, thematic events such as the anniversary of K. Satpayev, Sh. Ualikhanov. and etc.

Students actively participate in scientific conferences at the regional, regional and republican levels under the guidance of teachers and take pride of place.


Educational and methodical work

Teaching staff published teaching, teaching aids. The manuals are presented in three languages: Kazakh - Baimaganbetova K.T., Akhmetova E.B., Baimaganbetova B.B .; Russian - Perezhogin Yu.V., Baubekova G.K., Omarova K.I., Koval V.V., Zagorulko V.V., English - Koval V.V., Bragin E.A.

2017 - Baimyrzaev K.M., Baubekova G.K., Omarova K.I., Koval V.V., Dmitriychuk V.V., Sukhov M.V. Geography of the Kostanay region (computer program) / Electronic manual, copyright certificate No. 007199.

Traditionally, round tables and seminars are held with the invitation of educational institutions of the city and the Kostanay region.

Offices equipped with the necessary facilities for the organization of the educational process.

Graduates of the department work in comprehensive and innovative schools in the city of Kostanay, Kostanay and other regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of Natural Resources of the Akimat of the Kostanay Region, the Land Relations Department of the Akimat of the city of Kostanay and other organizations.

Chemistry Education Program

Scientific research:

  • Computer prediction of physicochemical properties and biological activity of chemical compounds (Gubenko M.A., Vazheva N.V.) Using the methodology for using IR, mass spectra and other molecular descriptors to predict a wide range of properties of chemical compounds. In studies, the computer program PROGROC (PROGrammRОbustnessCalculation) is used. Vazheva V.V. Within the framework of the direction, research contractual work was completed with the RSE "Kazakhstan Institute of Metrology", a doctoral dissertation, master's theses, and diploma theses were defended.
  • Chemical and environmental studies of the environment (Abdykalikova K.A., Zhumagalieva B.M., Tauakelov Ch.A., Ardakova E.A.) Chemical monitoring of air researching the phytochemical assessment of medicinal plants in the Kostanay region. Master dissertations, theses are defended.
  • The interaction of organic amides with inorganic acids has been studied at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of KazNUim.al-Farabi for several years. Part of the topic - the interaction of trichloroacetamide with inorganic acids (Taurbaeva G.U.) - was studied at the Department of Chemistry of KSPI. Candidate dissertation is defended, theses are completed.


Students' research work is organized in problem groups.

  • Computer chemistry
  • Applied Biochemistry
  • Chemical monitoring of atmospheric air
  • Phytochemical analysis of medicinal plants

Educational and methodical work.

Based on the laboratories of the department, experimental tours of city, regional and republican (2011) chemistry competitions are held annually among students in grades 8-11

Equipping specialized laboratories with traditional and modern equipment, chemical glassware, chemical reagents, computers allows you to implement the educational program of the bachelor and master of chemistry.

For the educational process and scientific work of teaching staff and students there is a spectrophotometer, photoelectric colorimeter, ionomers, laboratory electronic scales, a computerized training and laboratory complex (ULK) "Chemistry", multimedia complexes and other devices. All the rooms in the department are equipped with new modern furniture.

To conduct classes on the methods of teaching chemistry and the methods of conducting a school chemical experiment, a chemistry cabinet was purchased that contains a complete set of equipment, utensils, reagents, tables, DVDs. 


In 2018, the specialty "Chemistry" turned 50 years old. Graduates of the department work in comprehensive and innovative schools in Kostanay, Kostanay and other regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the laboratories of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, Department of the Interior, RSE Kazhydromet, OJSC Agromashholding, SaryarkaAvtoProm LLP, Varvarinskoye Polymetal International and other organizations, and firms.

The Head of Department

Радченко Татьяна

Radchenko Tatyana

Master of Natural Sciences


The Department of Informatics, robotics and computer technology was established in 2004.

The Department of Informatics, robotics and computer technology trains future teachers in the following educational programs (OP):

6B01503 Сomputer Science

  • Education Аrea Сode and Сlassification: 6В01 Pedagogical Sciences
  • Classification of Subjects and Areas of Training: 6B015 training of teachers in natural science subjects
  • Group of educational programs: B011 Training of Teachers of Informatics

6B01503 Computer Science, Robotics and design

  • Education Area Code and Classification: 6B01 pedagogical Sciences
  • Classification Code and areas of training: 6B014 training of teachers with subject specialization of General development
  • Group of educational programs: B011 training of teachers of Informatics

6B01404 Vocational Training

  • Education Area Code and Classification: 6B01 Pedagogical Sciences
  • Code and Classification of Training Areas: 6B014 Training of Teachers With Subject Specialization of General Development
  • Group of Educational Programs: B007 Training of Teachers of Art work and drawing

6B01407 Vocational Training, Art Work and Design Education Area

  • Code and Classification: 6B01 Pedagogical Sciences
  • Code and Classification of Training areas: 6B014 Training of Teachers With Subject Specialization of General Development
  • Group of Educational Programs: B007 Training of Teachers of Art Work and Drawing

Teaching staff of the department

Today, the Department employs 10 specialists: doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, candidate of technical Sciences, masters of natural Sciences, masters of pedagogical Sciences.

[item title="Directions of scientific activities"]

  • formation of professional competence of future teachers of computer science; development of e-textbooks with multimedia elements; the formation of information competence of teachers.
  • design of educational content along the trajectories of the specialty vocational training in the conditions of updating of technological education in school.

The Department carries out certain work on the introduction of innovative programs and technologies in the study of disciplines. Staff of the Department are actively implemented and applied methods of implementation of didactic equipment capabilities database computer systems, particularly interactive whiteboard and multimedia systems, electronic teaching tools, and Internet resources.

Teachers of the Department are active in professional development of teachers of the Institute in the framework of the training seminars, for example, on the theme "Formation of generalized information abilities of teachers (interactive whiteboard, electronic textbook)".

The Department pays great attention to the organization of research activity of students. Successfully operates research group on robotics and problematic group "materials processing Technology", direction "to Develop, design and manufacture of fixtures".

Students take an active part in Republican, regional competitions of student research work, student's scientific conferences, competitions, projects, debates, state and regional events to support start-up projects. Participate in the activities carried out within the framework of a Detailed plan of the regions to improve conditions for doing business and development of the mass, including family entrepreneurship in 2017-2019 for the implementation of the President's address, "the Third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness". The Department maintains creative links with schools and educational institutions.


[item title="Educational work "]


Educational work is aimed at ensuring the integrity of the learning process and education of students, the creation of cultural and educational environment conducive to the formation of the scientific worldview, spirituality and morality. Traditionally at the faculty level and the Department are planned and carried out events dedicated to state holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Republic Day, Independence Day, Constitution Day. Every year on the curatorial hours is the discussion of the message of President of RK N. Nazarbayev.

At the beginning of the school year, much attention is paid to the question of adaptation, they held a solemn line and curatorial watch on the Day of knowledge, the traditional feast of "Dedication to students". The Department staff takes an active part in sports and cultural activities.


[item title="Career guidance "]

Career guidance during the academic year, the Department carried out professional orientation work in the city schools, teachers of the Department has been distributing fliers in the specialty "Informatics" among the schools of the city and the region. Teachers of the Department conducted regular meeting with participants in competitions, conferences NOU, seminars on computer science, with gifted children RSPC "Daryn" to attract them among the students of the Institute. Through regional Institute of advanced training of Informatics teachers Tsiganova A. D., Dauletbaeva G. B. ongoing methodological work with the students of the courses of career guidance in their workplaces. Teachers carried out in schools of Kostanay region with the promotion group of the Institute. Also, the conduct of career guidance to attract applicants for the program "Serpin" in SKR (Aitenova AA).


[item title="Teaching practice "]

Кафедра информатикиЭ

Elements of professional and social communication skills of students receive during teaching practice. Pedagogical practice of students of specialty "computer science" held in city schools (GU "School-gimnaziya im. S. maulenov Department of education of akimat of Kostanay city", state institution "School-Lyceum №1 of the Department of education of akimat of Kostanay city" SI "high school № 10 of the Department of education of akimat of Kostanay city, GU "secondary school No. 20 of the Department of education of akimat of Kostanay city", №5, №9, №115). At the final conference they share their experiences about the practice, about schools and students. According to the reports of students shows that the practice gives them a huge interest in the training and education of the younger generation. At the end of the conference summarized the results of the practice, credits are awarded and students receive guidelines on the necessity for teaching practice difficulties. Graduates of the specialty "computer science" is prepared for the organizational pedagogical activity in the sphere of education and science, can be servants in the state administration bodies in the sphere of education, scientific research Institute of the Ministry of education and science, heads of various educational institutions, teachers of Informatics in schools, lyceums, colleges.

The bachelor of vocational education may take the following positions:

  • a teacher of General technical and special disciplines, teacher art work teacher, technology Director, Deputy Director for scientific, educational and educational-methodical work, the head of the creative workshop, etc.;
  • master of industrial training, specialist research organizations technological and pedagogical profile etc.


[item title="Photo"]

Кафедра информатики, робототехники и компьютерных технологий

Кафедра информатики, робототехники и компьютерных технологий

Кафедра информатики, робототехники и компьютерных технологий

Кафедра информатики, робототехники и компьютерных технологий

Кафедра информатики, робототехники и компьютерных технологий

Кафедра информатики, робототехники и компьютерных технологий

Кафедра информатики, робототехники и компьютерных технологий



The Head of Department

Telegina Oksana

Telegina Oksana

Senior teacher


The Department is the oldest, it has existed since 1939, since the Foundation of the Kustanai two-year teachers ' Institute.

The teaching staff of the Department has always been one of the most intellectual. For example, by the 60th anniversary of the University at the Department of 11 teachers were 6 professors, 8 associate professors, 8 candidates of physical and mathematical Sciences, 2 corresponding members of the International Academy of Informatization (Pryakhin G. N., Dzhamanbalin K. K.).

Specialties of the department:

  • 5В010900 - Mathematics
  • 5В011000 - Physics

Groups of educational programs:

  1. B009 in the Preparation of teachers of mathematics

Educational program:

  • 6B01501 Mathematics
  • 6B01507 Mathematics-Physics
  • 6B01508 Mathematics-computer Science
  1. B010 Training of teachers of physics

Educational program:

  • 6B01502 Physics
  • 6B01509 Physics-Informatics

The Department of physics has laboratories: mechanics and molecular physics; optics, electricity and magnetism; atomic physics and Radioelectronics; methods of teaching physics and technology of school experiment; computer methods of physics.

The Department of mathematics has a mathematics room equipped with an interactive whiteboard and mobile PC.

Since September 2015, the Department has been teaching some disciplines in English: "Elementary Physics" (Kazakh and Russian languages of instruction), "Physic" (multilingual groups).

Since 2017, the specialty "Physics" opened multilingual groups on the basis of the Kazakh and Russian departments.Subjects in English are taught by associate Professor A. G. Kasymova-basic education with in-depth study of the English language at the Kazakh State University. S. M. Kirov, and internship in the UK, New-Castle.

Since 2016, multilingualism has been introduced in the specialty "Mathematics", where students are taught in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. Disciplines in English are taught by the teacher Alimbayev A. A., who passed an internship at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA.

Since 2019, students are trained in two groups of educational programs, five educational programs, which include educational programs with double specialization.

Our students are actively engaged in social activities.

Graduates of the Department are in demand at all times and work not only as teachers of schools, colleges, universities, but also in many industries in the country and abroad.

Among the 11 winners inscribed in the "Golden book of youth" of Kostanay region in 2017, two of our graduates: Amirzhan Jumabekov, Deputy Director for work with gifted children of GU «School-gymnasium No. 3 of the Department of education of the akimat of Kostanay», Bakir Margulan Abdullauly, Director of the public Fund «Zhastar» (League of KVN in the state language «Zhaydarman»).


The Department cooperates with The Russian GPU A. I. Herzen (joint publications, participation in conferences), with Saratov state technical University. Yuri Gagarin (senior lecturer Telegina O. S.) and others.

The main direction of scientific activity: research of electrophysical and electrochemical properties of materials on the basis of potassium polytitanate; development of methodological support for the training of future teachers in the STEAM-education; nonassociative algebras over Euclidean rings, automorphisms of nonassociative rings; mosaic models; combinatorial theory of Lie algebra; semisimple Lie algebras; methods of solving Olympiad problems; the problem of profiling in school; improvement of professional training of future teachers of mathematics, physics.

Our victory

Students of specialties 5B010900 – «Mathematics» and 5B011000 – «Physics» are winners of Republican subject Olympiads in mathematics and physics among students, as well as various competitions and innovative projects.

 Кафедра ФиОТД-

Teachers of the Department constantly improve their skills both in the Republican center and abroad (Great Britain - Kassymova A. G., Germany - Demisenov B. N., etc.).

Contact us

110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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