The regional scientific-practical conference "Islam zhane zaiyrly kogam"

On April 28 the delegation of students of KSPI led by members of RRC "Dіntanu ortalygy" Abilmalikov K.K. and Paniyaz T.P. participated in the regional scientific-practical conference "Islam zhane zaiyrly kogam". At the conference it was noted that religious education in the country should be organized in large quantities. It is necessary to cover all segments of the population. As practice shows, the level of religious literacy rate is very low. So it is clear that many people fall for the bait of various prophets. From this human psychological dependence is virtually impossible to deduce. Experts-psychologists say that it is much easier to liberate a man from alcohol or drug dependence, than psychological. Leaders and representatives of the various pseudo-religious cults know how to entice people and do it professionally, with the latest psychological techniques and methods. They focus on the socially vulnerable strata of the population, and primarily at young people, the consciousness which does not yet have proof of immunity.

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