On December 4, the College "Zerek" held a round table with the participation of representatives of traditional religious denominations of Kazakhstan and Kostanay region – Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Islam. The theme of the round table "Religious and national accord in Kazakhstan" United representatives of all religious organizations, state bodies and teachers of educational institutions. At the invitation of the organizers of the round table from the Kostanai state pedagogical University named Sultangazin was invited by the senior teacher of Department of Kazakhstan history Abylkalykova K. K..
November 12, 2018 at a meeting of the Council of veterans held a discussion of the law "on the status of the teacher." The law on the status of teachers in Kazakhstan will be approved in 2019, now at the stage of public discussion. The law will provide incentives to improve the social status of teachers, to reduce the workload, protection from unnecessary inspections and other measures.Members of the Council of veterans were offered wishes. Active participation in the discussion took Utegenova B. M., Ph. D., head of Department of pedagogy.
On April 16 3 courses KGPU have addressed students Disyukov D.A. – head of department of KGU "Center of a Research of Religious Problems" and student's information and propaganda group of KSPU "Erkyn Pikir". D. Disyukov has told about neuron and linguistic programming which is actively applied by recruiters of various totalitarian religious cults, has stated essence of other psychological techniques which are used in the activity by leaders of destructive sects. Participants Erkin Pikir, namely – A. Pak, Z. Kadyrova, A. Kazmukhamedova and D. Akpanova have shown the small dramatized representation in which have opened the mechanism of involvement of young people in various destructive religious cults with use of the Internet.
April 11 in school No. 7 held a preventive conversation with the students of the 10th class of school №7 of the city of Kostanay on the theme of "Prevention of the facts of religious extremism and terrorism on the territory of Kostanai oblast and the Republic of Kazakhstan". Interviewed specialist of the Department of history of Kazakhstan of social and Humanities faculty Abylkalykova K. K.. The youth and teenage environment is the most malleable for various kinds of manipulations and techniques in destructive organizations of pseudo-religious character.
April 6 in the school №115 held a meeting with a member of the outreach group of the University by Abylkalykova K. K. in cooperation with non-governmental public organization "Society and I" on the theme "Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism". The meeting was attended by 11th grade students studying in the Kazakh language. Prevention among young people is the main priority Of the office of religious Affairs, non-governmental organizations, IRG, because it is young people aged 15 to 30 years who fall into the network of terrorist and pseudo-religious institutions, including in Kostanay region.
April 4 in the school-lyceum №1 of Kostanay city held a meeting of expert of the Department of history of Kazakhstan of the University Abylkalykova K. K. with students of grade 11 and teachers of the institution. The theme of the meeting was devoted to the religious sphere – "Religion as a way of knowing the world". The 11th grade students learned a lot from the history of the origin of the first religions, primitive beliefs, cults, about the new so-called non-Christian and neo-Islamic organizations, which, under the guise of religion, pursue their political and economic goals.
On March 16, 2018 in KGPU the lecture of the employee of department of the Anti-terrorist center of Department of Committee of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Kostanay region Akhmetov A. S. has been given. For employees, teachers and students of KSPU. Lecture subject: "Prevention of terrorist threats on objects vulnerable in the terrorist relation". During the lecture it has been explained what is understood as the concept "Terrorism".
On February 14 head member of regional information and explanatory group on questions of religions Shaymerden G.I., I have held a number of meetings in the item Zatobolsk, the Kostanay district where has led discussions with the staff of the District Department of Internal Affairs, Jobcenter of the population and the sports Astana complex on a subject: "Danger, essence and forms of activity of destructive and pseudo-religious trends". He has devoted the performances to a subject, relevant for our region, – activity in the territory of the area of various charismatic and pseudo-religious religious trends and groups.
On February 13 member of information and explanatory group, senior teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan Abilmalikov K.K. I have made a speech at a meeting with residents of two villages of the Kostanay district – Nadezhdinka and Lake. The meeting was held together with regional management for religions, department of domestic policy of akimat of the Kostanay district and "The center for a research of religious problems" on the subject "Interfaith Consent". The subject of a meeting has been devoted to a religious situation in the Kostanay region and passed in a format of a conversation at which the reasons of emergence of the destructive pseudo-religious organizations were discussed.
On January 25 head of NOTs KSPI Shaymerden G.I. I have taken part in work of the training seminar meeting on topical issues of the religious sphere which has been organized by Management for religions of akimat of the Kostanay region. Members of mespiluses of the Kostanay region took part in work of a seminar. The fruitful and interesting discussion on modern problems of prevention of religious extremism has taken place. The performance G. Shaymerden has been devoted to current problems of religious safety of Kazakhstan.