Prevention of terrorist threats

On March 16, 2018 in KGPU the lecture of the employee of department of the Anti-terrorist center of Department of Committee of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Kostanay region Akhmetov A. S. has been given. For employees, teachers and students of KSPU. Lecture subject: "Prevention of terrorist threats on objects vulnerable in the terrorist relation".

During the lecture it has been explained what is understood as the concept "Terrorism". Information that vulnerable in the terrorist relation especially important state, strategic objects and objects of the branches of economy having a strategic importance, hazardous production facilities, objects of a mass congestion of people are considered as objects is in detail finished. Special attention is paid to recommendations about a population operations procedure at establishment of levels of threats of terrorist danger – critical "red", high "orange" and moderate "yellow" levels. During the lecture the video topics directed to increase in vigilance of citizens at detection of explosive devices have been shown.

In the conclusion the lecturer has answered questions of attendees and has reminded that according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan the reward in the amount of 750 up to 1000 monthly settlement indicators is paid to the persons who have given information which has helped to prevent or stop the act of terrorism authorized body.


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