On June 8, at the Office for Religious Affairs of Kostanay region was signed a cooperation agreement between the "Center for Religious Studies" KSPI and Public Association "Society & I". From the "Center for Religious Studies" KSPI the contract was signed by the members of IPG K. Abilmalikov and D. Abenov, from the NGO "Society & I" the agreement was signed by its head M. Zhurkabaev. Under the agreement, members of the IPG KSPI will be required before the end of this year to provide services to conduct training seminars on topical issues in the religious sphere among students of colleges and universities of the region.

May 29 at the Office of Religious Affairs of Kostanai region took place the presentation of "Reminders for district inspectors of police on topical issues of the religious sphere." In the design and preparation of this brochure actively participated Advisor to the Rector of KSPI Shaimerden G., IPG members of KSPI's "Center of Religious Studies" Abilmalikov K. and Abenov D. The manual contains a brief description of non-traditional religious movements and groups, common in the region, the negative signs of their activities and beliefs destructive elements. Also there were disclosed a social danger of their activities on society.

On April 22, the rector adviser Shaimerden G.I. and members of KSPI IPG - "Religious study center" Abilmalikov K.K. and Abenov D.E., with the JSC "Society & I" gave a seminar-training for Kostanay pedagogical college students. The seminar was devoted to the topic - "The Role of spiritual values and national traditions in the development of Kazakhstan." In his speech, D. Abenov had told the audience about the history of ethnic conflict in world history, also he had stressed the role of the ethnic component of the religious wars.

April 21 Advisor of the Rector KGPI Shaimerden GI and members of the IPG of KSPI "Center for Religious Studies" Abilmalikov K. and Abenov D. participated in a seminar-training for the students of Kostanay social and technical college. The workshop was organized in cooperation with NGO "Society&I" and KSU "Research Center of religious issues" of the Office for Religious Affairs of Kostanay region.

On April 17, the rector adviser of KSPI Shaimerden G.I. and members of KSPI IPG- "Religious study center" Abilmalikov K.K., Abenov D.E. gave a speech to employees of the Department of Justice of Kostanay region and the State Revenue Office of Kostanay region (Zatobolsk).

April 8, 2015 on the basis of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was held a training seminar for members of the IPG (informative and propaganda group) of universities and colleges of the region, with the participation of experts from the Republican informative and propaganda group from Almaty.

March 19 Advisor to the Rector of KSPI Shaimerden G.I. and Head of the Department of Religious Affairs of Kostanay region Nugurbekov N.K. signed a memorandum of cooperation in the sphere of religion on 2015-2016. This memorandum provides a framework of interaction between the Office of Religious Affairs of Kostanay region and IPG (informative and propaganda group) of KSPI "Center for Religious Studies." Cooperation will be ongoing in several directions.

March 19 Advisor to the Rector of KSPI Shaimerden G.I. and students-volunteers of IPG participated in a roundtable at KSU named after A.Baitursynov: "Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism." The roundtable was a lively discussion on topical issues of prevention of religious extremism among students.

On March 12, the rector adviser Shaimerden G.I. participated in the round table "The role of religion in modern Kazakhstan», devoted to 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan People's Assembly. The roundtable was attended by representatives of the Muslim and Orthodox confessions, heads of Tajik and Tatar-Bashkir national-cultural centers of Kostanay region, activists and members of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

On March 3, 2015 adviser of the rector of KSPI Shaymerden G. I. and members of IPG KSPI – "The center of religious studies" Alshanova B. H., Abilmalikov K.K., Abenov D.E. and Erisheva T.A. had taken part in work of the training seminar training which was organized by Management for religions across the Kostanay region

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