Seminar-training on Religion

21.04.15April 21 Advisor of the Rector KGPI Shaimerden GI and members of the IPG of KSPI "Center for Religious Studies" Abilmalikov K. and Abenov D. participated in a seminar-training for the students of Kostanay social and technical college. The workshop was organized in cooperation with NGO "Society&I" and KSU "Research Center of religious issues" of the Office for Religious Affairs of Kostanay region. Moderator of the seminar, the head of the NGO "Society & I" Zhurkabaev M. in his speech said that our youth is the most vulnerable part of the Kazakhstani society. That is all the more exposed to various missionaries, prophets, and other charismatic, outstanding ideas for evidence of communication with God. The main task of our society is to be prepared to confront this kind of weapons of mass destruction. The task of all members of the IPG is to equip our young people with reliable information on the means and methods of the various destructive currents.

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