On February 18 and 19, 2016 the chief of the Center of religious researches, the member of IPG KSPI – "The center of religious studies" Shaymerden G. I. had taken part in work of the training seminars for teachers of religious studies of Mendygara and Uzunkol districts of Kostanay region. During work of a seminar – "Theoretical features of teaching the course "Basics of religious studies", G. Shaymerden had read series of lectures, devoted to destructive religious trends which carried out the activity in the territory of Kostanay region.

On February 1, 2016 in the Kostanay state pedagogical institute there had taken place lecture for lectures of institute of corruption prevention. All guests have been invited to a meeting by the employee of Department of the Ministry of affairs of public service. During a meeting the information on activity of Department of the ministry of affairs of civil service has been given, and also collective have acquainted with the main directions of anti-corruption Strategy for 2015-2025.

For the purpose of prevention of religious extremism among young people and education of an interfaith consent on January 27-30, 2016 in the hostel of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute meetings with the staff of department of work with youth of the city mosque of Ishan's Maral and the students living in the hostel had been held. At a meeting the information on various currents in Islam was given. During a meeting students asked actual and interested their questions on religions on which have received detailed and irrefragable answers.

On January 26, 2016 in the Kostanay state pedagogical institute for students of psychology and pedagogical faculty there had passed the explanation of article of the President of Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev "The plan of the nation – a way to Kazakhstan dream". Kazakhstan has entered in the 25th year of Independence with new Kazakhstan dream which answers a main goal of the realized Strategy-2050.

On December 11, 2015 the Department of education of Kostanay had giventhe public hearing, which was attended by the heads of department of educational departments, educators, representatives of non-governmental organizations, the media, and members of socially significant projects.

On December 9, 2015 the Institute had organized a meeting between students and the clergy. The meeting was attended by the Imam of Maral Ishan mosque, Bakhytzhan, the father Andrew from Constantine-Helen Cathedral. The meeting was dedicated to the education of humanity as the basis of the value of spirituality, religious tolerance of students, prevention of manifestations of religious extremism and terrorism, the role of the religious factor in ensuring religious security policy.

December 3, 2015 the auditorium of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute had been hosted the conference onthe explanation of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan in the new global reality: growth, reform and development."

On November 25, 2015 the Institute held a meeting with the Imam of Kostanay mosque with students of the Institute, with the aimfor increasing legal literacy, prevention of religious extremism among young people and raising of interfaith harmony among the youth. Meetings of this kind are carried out by order of state authorities, not only in Kostanay, but also in the districts of our region, because, unfortunately, there is currently a low level of information of young people about non-traditional religious movements and consequently younger generation's involvement in the series of destructive and extremist organizations It is one of the central problems which requiring urgent solutions.

On November 20 in Astana at the initiative of the Committee for Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Sports the republican scientific-practical conference "Actual issues of prevention of extremism in the youth environment" had taken place.
As part of Kostanay delegation to the conference there werea student of KSPI A. Bychihina and cadets of KA MIA RK named after S. KabylbaevE. Bocharova, who had shown their presentations.

On November, 10-11, 2015 there were 3 meetings between students of the first year study of Kazakh branch with Amirkhan R.I., the head of the Center of studying of religious problems within the Department of religion affairs of akimat of Kostanay region. These discussions were held in good conditions, during which Amirkhan R. told about negative nature of different nontraditional currents of the Muslim persuasion. Themes of meetings had aroused the sincere interest of students; they had asked the guest a lot of questions and got full answers.

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