On January 23 Shaymerden G.I. I have addressed teachers and students of the Kostanay construction and technical college of explanation of the Message of the President of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan. In the performance G. Shaymerden has told about global challenges and threats of geopolitical and economic character which Kazakhstan has faced now and I have stated the tasks facing the people of Kazakhstan on overcoming these threats. In more detail the speaker has stopped on the seventh range of the tasks connected with the human capital as a modernization basis.

On January 17, 2018 in the assembly hall of the Kostanay state teacher training college the meeting of collective devoted to discussion of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Leader Nation of Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev "New opportunities of development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution" has taken place. The audience was addressed by the rector of institute professor Abil Ye.A. He has noted that the Message is the major management to further action and search of new opportunities of development of the state.

On January 9,2018,Deputy Chairman of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bozhko Vladimir Karpovich, visited the capital for a meeting with the faculty and acquaintance with the work of the representatives of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan. Majilismen was accompanied by Deputy Akim of Kostanay region on social issues Zhundubana M.K, head of the Secretariat of the regional APK Shulenov M.M. and representatives of public authorities.

Member of the Committee on Economic Reform and Regional Development of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Syzdykov Turgun Iskakovich January 8, 2018 on a working visit to the KSPI. The meeting of the deputy with the faculty was held at the Chair of APK. During the meeting the deputy outlined the most important economic and social directions of the country's development and achievement of the common goal-to enter the 30-developed countries of the world.

14 November 2017 to the students of the first course were made by members of the regional outreach group of the office for religious Affairs of akimat of the Kostanay region, the candidate of philosophical Sciences, the head of the Department of the Academy of the MIA of the RK D. Toimatayeva and Chairman of the "Association of psychologists of the Kostanay region" The speakers devoted to the phenomenon of fanaticism in General and of religious bigotry in particular. He pointed to the relationship of fundamentalism, extremism, terrorism and fanaticism. The analysis of methods of engagement and methods of psychological impact on potential followers devoted his speech to Yu. Kalyuzhnaya.

On October 26-27, 2017 in Astana took place 7 congress of religious scholars of Kazakhstan. Questions of “Efficiency of information and explanatory work on questions of increase in theological literacy of the population” became a subject of the seventh forum. The head of SIPG “Erkin Pikir” Abenov D. E. was a delegate of KSPI. The action was organized by Committee on affairs of religions of the Ministry of affairs of religions and civil society of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At a seminar different types of effective methods of work of information and propaganda groups on questions of realization of state policy in the sphere of religions were presented.

In September-October, 2017 the member of the first structure of student’s informational-propaganda group of KSPI “Еркін Пікір” Ruslan Murzagaliyev has provided several trainings, quests and other actions at school № 17, in industrial-pedagogical college, road college of Kostanay and also at schools of Kostanay, Uzynkol and Karabalyk districts. These actions have been spent within implementation of socially important projects of The Friendship Home and Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region and Association of the practicing psychologists of RK.

On October 11, 12, 18 and 24 performances of alternating cast of student’s informational-propaganda group of KSPI “Еркін Пікір” have taken place at school № 16, in Construction College, Road College and The College of Household Service of Kostanay. The alternating cast of the group is presented by 8 volunteers from the first course. They are A. Baymukhambetova, N. Manankov, D. Akpanov, A. Asylbekov, Z. Kadyrov, A. Pak, A. Kazmukhamedova and F. Sadakbayev. In a simple and available play form, by the principle – “equal – equal” they have opened to pupils and students of colleges the mechanism of involvement of new adherents in destructive religious trends.

On October 23, 2017 the member of student's information and propaganda group of KSPI "Erkin Pikir" of the first structure Ruslan Murzagaliyev has provided seminars and trainings in humanitarian college and schools of Arkalyk, within implementation of socially important projects of the House of Friendship of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region and Association of the practicing psychologists of RK. The scope of actions touched on an extensive circle of socially important issues of our republic.

On October 20 in the building of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region there has taken place the total meeting of Heads and Members of regional informational-explanatory group on religion questions at which the results of the work have been summed up and plans of work for the next year have been stipulated. The best members of IEG have been encouraged. The report on summing up work of IEG for 2017 and tasks for the forthcoming 2018 was made by the Head of MPI “Center of researches of religious problems” at Department for religions and civil society of the Kostanay region Nugurbekov N.K., who has expressed special gratitude for the done work of IEG of KSGI – the Center of religious studies.

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