Performance of SIPG of KSPI “Еркін Пікір”

On October 11, 12, 18 and 24 performances of alternating cast of student’s informational-propaganda group of KSPI “Еркін Пікір” have taken place at school № 16, in Construction College, Road College and The College of Household Service of Kostanay. The alternating cast of the group is presented by 8 volunteers from the first course. They are A. Baymukhambetova, N. Manankov, D. Akpanov, A. Asylbekov, Z. Kadyrov, A. Pak, A. Kazmukhamedova and F. Sadakbayev. In a simple and available play form, by the principle – “equal – equal” they have opened to pupils and students of colleges the mechanism of involvement of new adherents in destructive religious trends. Their debuts have been already mentioned on a regional meeting of Members and Heads of IEG in the report of Nugurbekov N.K, who is the Head of MPI “Center of researches of religious problems” at Department for religions and civil society of the Kostanay region.

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