Speech of D.Toimatayeva and Yu. Kalyuzhina

14 November 2017 to the students of the first course were made by members of the regional outreach group of the office for religious Affairs of akimat of the Kostanay region, the candidate of philosophical Sciences, the head of the Department of the Academy of the MIA of the RK D. Toimatayeva and Chairman of the "Association of psychologists of the Kostanay region" The speakers devoted to the phenomenon of fanaticism in General and of religious bigotry in particular. He pointed to the relationship of fundamentalism, extremism, terrorism and fanaticism.

The analysis of methods of engagement and methods of psychological impact on potential followers devoted his speech to Yu. Kalyuzhnaya. She focused students ' attention on the need to build critical thinking skills, objective and comprehensive assessment of the facts and situations, to construct an adequate model of the situation and establish the most optimal solutions. All this in the future can protect people from the effects of destructive religious cults.


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