The religious security problems of Kazakhstan

17.04.15On April 17, the rector adviser of KSPI Shaimerden G.I. and members of KSPI IPG- "Religious study center" Abilmalikov K.K., Abenov D.E. gave a speech to employees of the Department of Justice of Kostanay region and the State Revenue Office of Kostanay region (Zatobolsk). The theme of presentations was devoted to religious security of Kazakhstan, information attacks, which the Kazakh state nowadays is exposed to. K. Abilmalikov in details had revealed psychological methods of recruitment, which were applied by the leaders and followers of destructive religious movements and sects, both Muslim and Christian sense. In his speech, D. Abenov had focused the attention on the characterization of the ethnic factor in the religious conflicts of the past and the present. Speakers were asked a lot of questions; the relevance of contemporary issues in the religious and geopolitical aspects caused sincere interest of the audience.

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