Performances on topical issues of the religious sphere

On February 14 head member of regional information and explanatory group on questions of religions Shaymerden G.I., I have held a number of meetings in the item Zatobolsk, the Kostanay district where has led discussions with the staff of the District Department of Internal Affairs, Jobcenter of the population and the sports Astana complex on a subject: "Danger, essence and forms of activity of destructive and pseudo-religious trends".

He has devoted the performances to a subject, relevant for our region, – activity in the territory of the area of various charismatic and pseudo-religious religious trends and groups. In an intelligible form, with use of visual technologies he has told listeners about destructive elements in theological doctrines of these currents, has opened technology of involvement of youth, in particular psychological receptions which are used by adherents of these currents.

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