Implementation of the standard Master of Sports in artistic gymnastics

The 1st year student of the specialty "Physical education and Sport" Lipokurov Arthur took part in the Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in artistic gymnastics, which was held on October 9-14, 2017 in Almaty. In the all-round sports gymnastics such kinds as: gymnastic rings, supporting jump, parallel bars, crossbeam.

Participants from Almaty, Astana, South Kazakhstan, Shymkent and Kostanay took part in the competitions.

The program of the competitions included both the realization of the all-round program, all declared shells, and individual competitions by species. To complete the program for the Master of Sports in gymnastics, the score was 75.

And in the end, after the performance in the all-around artistic gymnastics Arthur Lipokurov scored 78.6 points, this is the standard of the Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In addition, in the individual championship took 3rd place.

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