Meeting with the honorable journalist of Kazakhstan Gulzhibek Bekmuhambetova

23 November 2017 in the walls of the Kostanay state pedagogical Institute was held a meeting with the honorable journalist of Kazakhstan, teledokumentalistam, the winner of the Club Patrons, Gulzhibek Bekmuhambetova.

Active participation in this event was attended by students of the 3rd course of the multilingual group of natural-mathematical faculty. The guys asked the guest questions on various topics, among which were touched upon such topics as the transition to the Latin alphabet and the polylingual education in Kazakhstan.

Meeting of Gulzhibek Bekmuhambetova with an active and growing youth KSPI was watching the movie "the President, as a reflection of our thoughts." The guys were very excited about what he saw, expressed his gratitude to the guest for their tremendous work and captured this heartfelt meeting a memorable photo.






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