Young workers forum of the Kostanay region

13 Nov 2017 hosted a forum of working youth with the participation of the Youth resource center in Kostanay region, Children and youth organizations in Kostanay region, committees on Affairs of youth of enterprises and universities.

The purpose of the forum was the improving the work of the committees of youth Affairs in enterprises of Kostanay region and to develop recommendations for employment of young specialists. The forum presented the activities of the committees of youth Affairs producing industrial enterprises. Participants were familiarized with work of the enterprises of the city such as "Aqua-Arasan", "Kostanay Astyk plants", held the participants a tour of the workshops of the enterprises. The main goal of the organizers was the attraction of young people to entrepreneurship, further employment. The delegation of our University was represented by the specialist Department on work with student and youth organizations Yessimkhanov K. D. and members of the KSPI youth alliance.


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