Results of the competition for the award of vacant educational grants freed up in the process of getting higher education

By the order of Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan №44 dated February 1, 2017 «On awarding vacant educational grants freed up in the process of getting higher education» the vacant educational grants are awarded to the following students:

  1. Kryachkina Alexandra (5B010100 Pre-school training and education, 1st year);
  2. Askarova Snezhana (5B010200 Pedagogy and methodology of primary education, 2nd year);
  3. Gedzur Yekaterina (5B010200 Pedagogy and methodology of primary education, 3 year);
  4. Saydalina Aynur (5B010200 Pedagogy and methodology of primary education, 3 year);
  5. Mastyanova Yekaterina (5B010500 Defectology, 3rd year);
  6. Momyngali Berіkbol (5B010900 Mathematics, 4th year);
  7. Amanzhol Bayan (5B011100 Informatics, 2nd year);
  8. Erezhepov Yerzhan (5B011200 Chemistry, 1st year);
  9. Zhalgasbek Aknur (5B011200 Chemistry, 1st year);
  10. Yurchenko Yulia (5B011300 Biology, 4th year);
  11. Abdrahieva Kymbat (5B011400 History, 2nd year);
  12. Tuznikova Alexandrina (5B011400 History, 3rd year);
  13. Belgimbaeva Zhamilya (5B011500 Basics of Law and Economics, 3rd year);
  14. Tanat Danagul (5B011600 Geography, 1st year);
  15. Dzhapasheva Madina (5B011800 Russian language and literature, 1st year);
  16. Kokuhina Victoriya (5B011800 Russian Language and Literature, 2nd year (3 years part-time));
  17. Albekova Diana (5B011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages ​​(English), 1st year);
  18. Baymuhanbetova Inzhu (5B011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages ​​(English), 1st year);
  19. Metenova Nargiz (5B011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages ​​(English), 2nd year);
  20. Sulimova Karina (5B011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages ​​(English), 2nd year);
  21. Asanova Alina (5B011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages ​​(English), 3rd year);
  22. Kappazov Almas (5B011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages ​​(English), 4th year);
  23. Podgaetskaya Darya (5B011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages ​​(English), 4th year);
  24. Shayakhmetova Kamshat (5V011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages ​​(English), 4th year);
  25. Malyukova Margarita (5V011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages ​​(English), 2nd year (3 years))

From the February 1, 2017 the above students are transferred to training on the state educational grant.

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