Innovative educational technologies for pedagogical workers of the system of Technical and Professional Education (TPE)

The Kazakhstan education system is in a condition of continuous modernization of basic elements: contents, technologies, organization, providing, and management. An important problem of our country facing teachers of all educational institutions is the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process. Innovative activity creates a basis for the creation of competitiveness of the educational institution in the education market, defines the directions of professional growth of the teacher, his creative search, promotes the personal growth of pupils.

Teachers of the TPE system are faced by a task: to make the objects interesting to all, to cultivate interest in knowledge, to help pupils to open the opportunities, to stir up their cognitive activity.

The course "Innovative Educational Technologies for Pedagogical Workers of the TPE System" acquainted from November 19 to December 1, 2018 teachers with professional and pedagogical competence of teachers of the TPE system, modern pedagogical technologies and innovative methods of training for increase in efficiency of teaching in the TPE system and ways of their realization in educational process.

Practical application on occupations teachers (Shumeiko T.S., Shagiakhmetova L.M., Shalgibekova A.B., Radchenko P.N., Amantayeva A. B, Ishchanova R. S., Zhigitov A.B.) technologies of the dialogue, design and modular training, technology of the critical thinking, educational technologies, ICT promoted activation of activity of listeners on occupations, to ability to independently obtain necessary information, how to use it, to share new knowledge with the colleagues.

As a result of a practical training listeners learned to develop and design studies and educational actions with use of educational technologies, to analyze own studies and studies of colleagues on the basis of the developed scheme, to organize feedback and to competently estimate products of their educational activity, to create the system of criteria estimation, adapting them to the subject matters.

Great interest was attracted by Case-study technology and the Business game which united in themselves at the same time both role-playing games, and a method of projects, and the situational analysis. Listeners took active part in work of a roundtable "Formation of professional competence of the graduate of college" where issues were discussed: the structural and substantial characteristic of professional competence of the graduate of college (on specialties); a role of theoretical occupations information of professional competence of the graduate of college; design of a modern lesson of in-service training in the conditions of the education; formation of professionally significant qualities of the identity of the expert in the conditions of college.

These advanced training courses for pedagogical workers of the TPE system gave an incentive for use of new educational technologies in the educational process, promoted the exchange of experience and expansion of an outlook.



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