How to use "green technologies" in entrepreneurship, Kostanai's business lady said TO KSРU students

Kostanay entrepreneur Galina Schneider was one of the first in the region to use the energy of the sun and wind for business needs. On April 2, the owner of a restaurant and hotel complex shared her experience with aspiring entrepreneurs and students, organizing a tour for them as a part of the course “Design Training with Mentoring Principles”.

KSPU students became interested in the excursion to the Golden Pheasant. First, because the university has recently opened a business incubator "U - SMART". And secondly, because some of them are studying tourism as a specialty and are already looking after a place for practice and employment.

“All of my startups started from scratch or with debts. Half the success is finding a good niche that will be comfortable. Once I opened a gift shop on a commission basis. It was a cycle of souvenirs and he could work forever. Then I became interested in the concept of an art cafe, I wanted to create a place where people would be able to spend a good and fun-filled evening with friends. The café would continue to be in demand, but I was interested in a new project - a hotel complex,” says Galina Schneider.

It was the new project that initiated the work with “green technologies”. The fact is that the restaurant and hotel complex is located outside the city and occupies a huge territory. The businesswoman received impressive electricity bills, and then completely the interruptions in light began. Friends advised Galina Schneider to install a diesel generator, but, having calculated all costs, she came to the conclusion that it was not profitable.

“Then I became interested in solar panels. In 2014, I bought Chinese-made panels, then I purchased the Bolotova wind generator. All this works as a single system. Now I pay half as much for electricity. In the future, I plan to organize an eco-park - a small yurt camp from environmentally friendly materials,” the business woman announced her plans.

Galina Schneider willingly shares her ideas with startups and invites them to join her in terms of cooperation. Another niche that she is ready to give into good entrepreneurial hands is the contact zoo. The main thing, according to Galina Schneider, is to actively use all the tools that the state provides to businessmen. She herself has repeatedly received grants and preferential microcredit.

In this issue, start-ups are assisted by business coach Alyona Israpilova, who teaches classes in the course “Project Training with the Application of Mentoring Principles”.

“Among our listeners are people who already have ready-made ideas and projects. They only need to push in the right direction. For this we organize such excursions. Galina Schneider is one of the mentors, for her part she shares her experience and knowledge and is even ready to provide a launching pad for the implementation of a project,” says Alena Israpilova.

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